The transgender cult has been targeting our children for some time now, and as long as this has been going on, many of us have been wondering why more people in the gay community weren’t speaking out about these dangerous grooming practices. Drag queen readings, transgender closets in schools, graphic sex ed, gender transitions for little children… you don’t have to be heterosexual to see these are dangerous.

The transgender movement doesn’t just harm kids; it harms society as a whole, particularly women. The erasure of biological sex robs women of opportunities as biological males are allowed to compete against them in sports, despite their physical and biological advantages. It also robs women and girls of their privacy and dignity as men are increasingly given the okay to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms.

Last month, PJ Media’s Megan Fox highlighted a group called Gays Against Groomers, a coalition of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization of children. The group started a Twitter page in June and quickly exploded to having over 63,000 followers.

“There are millions of gays within the community that want nothing to do with this Alphabet religion and join the fight with parents and concerned people everywhere to protect children,” the group says on its website. “We also aim to return sanity and reclaim the community we once called our own.”

Gays Against Groomers recognizes the dangers of sexualizing and indoctrinating children in the name of the LGBTQ movement. “The activists, backed by school boards, government, woke media, and corporations, have been speaking on our behalf for too long,” they say. “When fighting for equality, our goal was to successfully integrate ourselves into society, but now these radicals aim to restructure it entirely in order to accommodate a fringe minority, as well as seek to indoctrinate children into their ideology.”

We’ve been calling out this dangerous cult for a long time now. However, the group recognizes that the gay community has to lead the charge to get results. “It is going to take those of us from within the community to finally put an end to this insanity, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

Is that finally starting to happen? Over the past couple of weeks, #LGBTdroptheT has trended on Twitter as members of the gay community are finally speaking out.

There are many more. Here at PJ Media, we’ll always speak out to protect our children from these predators who want to recruit and butcher them. With members of the gay community speaking out enough to get #LGBTdroptheT to trend on Twitter, there’s an opportunity to turn the tables on the dangerous transgender cult. They need our help, and we need yours.

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Source: PJ Media

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