After he arrived at Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base in Westworth Village, Texas on Tuesday, Joe Biden was asked about gas prices going up. And, just as his handlers have instructed him, he deflected blame.

“Mr. President, do you have a message for the American people on gas prices?” a reporter asked.

“They’re going to go up,” Biden replied, stating the obvious.

“What can you do about it?”

“Can’t do much right now. Russia is responsible.”

And that’s it. That’s the entire exchange. This is not a joke; the transcript came directly from the White House website.

Can you believe the gall of this guy, to try to pin the blame on Putin when gas prices have been going up throughout his presidency?

Joe Biden claims he can’t do anything about gas prices, yet his policies have directly contributed to them going up. Aside from his failure to stop Putin from invading Ukraine, at least 25 of Biden’s policies have contributed to the rising costs of energy on his watch, according to Americans For Prosperity.

Source: PJ Media

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