After Joe Biden spent a year campaigning for president from his basement, we’ve grown accustomed to him hiding from public scrutiny. Many of us on the right noted that Biden’s campaign handlers took advantage of the pandemic to keep him out of the public eye as much as possible, so voters wouldn’t see the full extent of his diminished mental acuity.

Despite insisting that he was up for the job of the presidency, Biden hasn’t become any more accessible since taking office. According to a database that tracks presidential news conferences that’s run by the University of Santa Barbara’s American Presidency Project, Biden is the least accessible president since Ronald Reagan.

As of Nov. 20, Joe Biden has held nine press conferences since taking office, an average of less than one per month. His predecessor, Donald Trump, was far more accessible, holding 21 press conferences during his first year in office.

Biden’s lack of accessibility to the media comes despite historic inflation, the border crisis, high gas prices, a supply chain crisis, record crime, and the ongoing pandemic. He’s certainly got plenty to answer for, but apparently, his handlers know he’s not up to the task.

Source: PJ Media

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