CNN really wants those airports to fork over some cash. Without Donald Trump in the White House, the network has experienced steep declines in ratings, so on Monday, it announced a new and “much-anticipated” streaming subscription service. As MediaIte’s Caleb Howe pointed out, “It’s already fake news.”

In its official announcement for CNN+, the network bragged about its high ratings in 2020, conveniently failing to mention its huge ratings decline in the current year, which is no longer 2020.

“CNN is coming off its highest rated and most trafficked year ever on both television and digital platforms and remains the most trusted name in news,” the network said in a statement, apparently forgetting Russiagate, the Hunter Biden emails, Nick Sandmann, and on and on.

“From this position of strength, CNN+ will expand CNN’s unparalleled multiplatform global reach to provide a new, additive experience that complements the core CNN linear networks and digital platforms to serve CNN superfans, news junkies and fans of quality non-fiction programming,” the network added.

“CNN invented cable news in 1980, defined online news in 1995 and now is taking an important step in expanding what news can be by launching a direct-to-consumer streaming subscription service in 2022,” Jeff Zucker, chairman of WarnerMedia News and Sports and president of CNN Worldwide, said in a statement. “As the most trusted and recognized name in news, CNN has unrivaled global reach, world class talent and a deep existing library of content including award winning series and films.”

CNN isn’t fooling anyone. Its ratings are in the crapper, and for good reason.

Some obscure cable channel called “Fox News” again dominated the cable news ratings in the second quarter of 2021, with four of the five most-watched shows (Tucker Carlson TonightHannityThe Five, and The Ingraham Angle). Only MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show also made the top five — behind every Fox show except Ingraham’s. “The most trusted name in news” didn’t make the cut, according to Nielsen, Forbes reported.

CNN took third in prime time, behind Fox (2.176 million viewers) and MSNBC (1.464 million viewers). CNN had less than a million viewers (914,000) in prime time. While all of the cable news networks saw rating declines compared to the second quarter of the annus horribilis of 2020, CNN experienced the sharpest drop, down by 57 percent. CNN fell even more among the key demographic, dropping a staggering 68 percent.

Yet this decline should come as little surprise to “the most trusted name in news.” What little was left of CNN’s credibility took devastating hits over the past year.

CNN forked over an undisclosed amount to settle a lawsuit from the defamed Covington Catholic High School teen Nick Sandmann (who had sought $800 million from the network). CNN’s Brian Stelter hilariously accused conservative media of having an “obsession” with the Russia probe that slowly dismantled every Trump-Russia collusion lie CNN had been spouting during and after the 2016 election.

Last October, when The New York Post published bombshell reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop that implicated Joe Biden, Big Tech and the legacy media rushed to silence the reports as “misinformation.” CNN’s Jake Tapper gleefully jumped on the bandwagon, condemning the revelations as “the Gaetz Mc-Breitbart nonsense.” He claimed the Hunter Biden revelations were based on “no evidence, just completely made up.”

Yet it appears the emails from the laptop are indeed genuine. Hunter Biden himself has acknowledged that the laptop could “certainly” belong to him, but he laughably insisted, “I really don’t know.”

Biden reportedly dropped off the water-damaged laptop at the Wilmington, Del., repair shop of John Paul MacIsaac in April 2019. MacIsaac provided a hard drive containing the contents of the laptop to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, and Giuliani gave the Post a copy of the hard drive in October 2020, leading to explosive stories about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China. The FBI seized the laptop in December 2019, apparently as part of a probe that Hunter Biden characterized as an investigation into his “tax affairs.”

CNN’s Chris Cuomo gave his brother, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.), eleven softball interviews during the COVID-19 pandemic, celebrating his brother as a hero even as Cuomo’s nursing home policy consigned many of the most vulnerable to COVID-19.

Perhaps the biggest hit to CNN’s credibility came from Project Veritas. In a sting video, CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester admitted that his network used “propaganda” in an effort to ensure that President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election.

“Look what we did, we [CNN] got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out,” Chester said. “I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that.”

The president’s “hand was shaking or whatever, I think. We brought in so many medical people to tell a story that was all speculation — that he was neurologically damaged, and he was losing it,” Chester recalled. “He’s unfit to — you know, whatever. We were creating a story there that we didn’t know anything about. That’s what — I think that’s propaganda.”

In a separate video, Chester admitted that CNN capitalized on the COVID-19 pandemic, using its death toll numbers to scare people and gin up ratings.

“COVID? Gangbusters with ratings, right? Which is why we [CNN] constantly have the [COVID-19] death toll on the side, which I have a major problem with – with how we’re tallying how many people die every day,” Chester said.

While CNN spent every second it could demonizing Trump, the network has gone so soft on Joe Biden, it has become an international laughingstock. Australian journalists mocked CNN for this change of pace.

“I just think Joe Biden is a lucky person,” said Sophie Elsworth of The Australian. “He has got all the media on his side—or most of the media on his side—particularly CNN. Completely at odds with what they did to Trump. … It’s quite appalling to watch. And what happened to straight news reporting, which doesn’t seem to be existent there?”

So yeah, “the most trusted name in news” is extremely desperate to resurrect its flagging enterprise, and Americans see through the lie that this new subscription service is “much-anticipated.” Even the CNN airport network is going the way of the dodo. Perhaps the network should head down to Cuba. I hear there’s a communist regime desperately in need of some leftist propaganda.

Source: PJ Media

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