Alleged Vice President Kamala Harris has a well-earned reputation for not doing her homework and for being unprepared to answer expected questions.

Appearing on Univision Noticias, Harris was given a fairly softball question by the host:

You are working on fighting the root causes of immigration in Central America. But so far, with not only we’ve seen not a reduction in the number of immigrants coming to the US, but we are seeing an increase in the number of people coming in. So what has gone wrong so far?

Despite the interviewer’s setup that something has “gone wrong,” this is not a tough question. It’s really nothing more than an invitation for Harris to make her case, to recite her talking points.

Every politician worth their salt has those talking points ready to go before any interview.

Kamala Harris is not worth much salt.

Here’s her answer:





Believe very strongly


And approach the work we are doing to address the root causes of irregular migration, I believe very strongly, most people don’t want to leave home. They don’t want to leave the place where they grew up, the church where they worship, they don’t want to leave their grandmother. And when people leave home it usually is for one of two reasons. Either they are fleeing harm or they cannot simply stay and take care of the basic needs of themselves and their families.

Do we need to give Harris a few bonus points for introducing us to a new euphemism for the legally correct term “illegal aliens”?

“Irregular migration” was new to my ears, although a quick web search indicates it cropped up at least a few years ago.

I’ve certainly never heard an elected official use it until now.

Just how uncomfortable must it be to sneak across the border while irregular? No wonder coyotes charge so much.

But back to the topic at hand.

Harris believes — very strongly! — that people like their homes but will leave them to escape harm or to find a better life.

Bold stance, Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.

“So I’m approaching our root causes work,” Harris continues, “understanding in particular that in the countries in Central America with an emphasis on Guatemala, I was just in Honduras, El Salvador, what we must do is help address the reasons people are leaving.”

Harris has had almost a year to do that, since Presidentish Joe Biden put her “in charge” of the border crisis in March of last year. She’s visited Central America twice since then.

Let’s hear what she’s accomplished in her own words.

“I have convened American CEOs,” she says. “We started with about a dozen and I have 77 CEOs who are pledging 1.2 billion dollars to invest in the region around things like their agricultural economy, farmers, women entrepreneurs.”

So, to sum up:

  • Grandma good
  • Oppression bad
  • Maybe someday, some small investments in the agricultural work people are already trying to escape
  • Also, women

Here’s the clip:

One doddering old man’s heartbeat away from the presidency, ladies and gentlemen.

Source: PJ Media

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