This was certainly the most fun I’ve had all week.

On Wednesday, the United States House of Representatives was busying itself with censuring and punishing Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) because his office posted an anime video of him “decapitating” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) with a sword. You know, the kind of thing that everyone in 21st century America has to worry about.

Democrats have been acting as if Gosar literally physically accosted AOC in the Capitol.

Might there have been a better use of the congressman’s time? Yeah. Did the video in any way constitute a real threat of violence?

Make the stupid go away.

I can’t even pretend to care about the Democrats’ feelings after they spent four years exhorting their supporters to publicly and physically harass Trump supporters. These are the same people who’ve spent the last month or so condoning the harassment of one of their own in a public toilet because she wouldn’t vote the way they wanted her to.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) took to the House floor to remind the Dems of some of what their members have been up to. She is absolutely en fuego here, beginning by saying, “Democrat policies are so pathetic and have done so poorly that the left has nothing better to do but troll the internet looking for ways to get offended…)” and going really big from there.

It’s a short speech but it’s powerful. Boebert isn’t everybody’s cup of tea but I say give the GOP 10 more of her and the party might hang onto the House until long after Barron Trump’s second term as president is over.


Source: PJ Media

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