LeBron James quite possibly has the thinnest skin of anyone who has ever played basketball. For a person who loves to throw his opinions around, he cannot allow negative opinions about him to go unchallenged. In his first game back from a suspension after bloodying the face of Pistons forward Isaiah Stewart, James had two Pacers fans ejected for unknown reasons.

As the fans walked out, the woman mocked James with fake tears and an overexaggerated pouty face. It was pretty funny.

After the incident, #LeSnitch began trending on Twitter. “Lesnitch will call out these two, but man China that’s just too difficult,” said one commenter, referring to James’ close relationship with the CCP.

James has been widely panned for his refusal to criticize China for its human rights violations while at the same time criticizing NBA executive Daryl Morey, who tweeted out support for freedom protesters in Hong Kong. “So many people could have been harmed not only financially but physically,” said James about Morey’s tweet. “Just be careful what we tweet and what we say,” he continued.

Senator Ted Cruz weighed in on the controversy. “Serious Q: How much $$ is enough? King James has made hundreds of millions of $$. But he still wants more, so much that he is TERRIFIED to say anything negative about evil communist dictators in China. Enis Kanter is showing more courage than the entire NBA.”

Enes Kanter, who is from Turkey and plays for the Celtics, has been trolling James hard–and it’s beautiful. “Money over morals for the ‘King’,” he wrote. “Sad and disgusting how these athletes pretend they care about social justice. They really do ‘shut up & dribble’ when Big Boss 🇨🇳 says so. Did you educate yourself about the slave labor that made your shoes or is that not part of your research?”

Kanter’s shoes have been covered in anti-China messaging to draw awareness to the human rights violations in China, where slavery is a way of life.

James was suspended for the first time in his career after the incident with Stewart, which ended with Stewart’s face streaming blood. Many people like to compare LeBron James to Michael Jordan. As a Jordan fan who watched him from his days playing in the Chicago Stadium to the glory days of the championship years, I can say with authority that what made Jordan great wasn’t just his talent but his professional behavior on and off the court. Jordan was never suspended from a game—not once. Even when the Pistons were throwing elbows and playing dirty, Jordan never got himself thrown out of a game. Jordan also never spoke on political issues that would divide his fans. LeBron James is no Michael Jordan–and he never will be.

Source: PJ Media

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