The 2022 midterms will be epic for the Republican Party, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) predicted on Fox News’ “Hannity” Monday night.

“I think there’s a tidal wave brewing,” Graham told host Sean Hannity. “I think this is going to be 1994 all over again. When you look at rampant inflation, out-of-control crime and a broken border and just [a] general lack of knowing what you’re doing, lack of competency … the Republican Party’s going to have a great comeback if we recruit the right people.”

In the 1994 midterms, the GOP netted 54 House seats and eight Senate seats. In 2022, the GOP only needs to net five seats to retake the House and one to retake the Senate.

While Biden and the Democratic Party are making it easier for the GOP to win back control of Congress, Graham warned that it is not a sure thing.

“We got a lot of opportunity on the map in the Senate,” Graham explained. “We’re gonna take back the House, Sean, unless we completely screw this up.”

The GOP sees several pick-up opportunities in the Senate, but one complication is that they’re also defending a number of seats left vacant by retiring Republicans.

While Graham is confident about the GOP’s chances in 2022, Democrats are “super worried” about the forthcoming midterms and see election integrity as dooming their chances to hold power. Without a doubt, the GOP taking back at least one chamber in 2022 is a safe bet. In addition to the previously mentioned factors working in the GOP’s favor, history shows that the party in power tends to lose seats in midterm elections. Democrats clearly have a lot working against them in 2022, and Joe Biden’s mishandling of everything isn’t helping them.

But Democrats aren’t likely to sit back and let fate take its course without a fight. In 2010, the Obama White House was blindsided by the Tea Party movement. Just as Joe Biden isn’t repeating Obama’s mistake of overlooking the judiciary, Biden isn’t likely to take the 2022 midterm elections for granted. In addition, Democrats nationwide are fighting election integrity laws that have been passed in over a dozen states. So, make no mistake, the Democrats may go down in 2022, but they won’t go down without a fight.

Source: PJ Media

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