While the Democratic Party has gone all-in endorsing critical race theory (CRT) being taught in school — and claiming opposition to it is racist — Robert “Beto” O’Rourke has opportunistically flip-flopped on the issue as he wages his futile campaign for governor of Texas.

“I think you and I are probably both on the same page as well. We don’t see CRT being taught in our schools right now,” O’Rourke told an attendee at a townhall event in Victoria, Texas Friday night. “It is a course that is taught in law school.”

Make no mistake about it: Beto O’Rourke supports CRT. He just knows — especially after the Virginia gubernatorial election — that embracing it while running for statewide office in Texas is a fool’s errand. But that doesn’t change the fact that Beto publicly condemned Governor Abbott for signing a law banning the teaching of CRT last year.

“We should know the full story of Texas and the full story of the United States of America,” Beto argued. “Not only our founding ideals and principles, but the way that those ideals and principles were often violated by the people who wrote them, or the fact that so much of the wealth and opportunity in this state was actually created by people who had no choice in the deal whatsoever,” he said last month. “If we don’t, then we’re trafficking in myths and things that just are not true.”

O’Rourke has also flip-flopped on 2nd amendment issues. During his failed presidential campaign in 2020, O’Rourke boasted, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” though now he says that he’s “not interested in taking anything from anyone.”

Source: PJ Media

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