How many FBI agents does it take to arrest the man who threatened to kill Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz?

Zero, you silly goose, because Gaetz is a Republican. If Gaetz were a Democrat, the alleged hitman would likely have been arrested and detained without bail, like the 71-year-old Pennsylvania man who was stopped while driving to D.C. with plans to kill various Democrats in February 2021. He is looking at a maximum ten-year sentence.

Rep. Matt Gaetz stated on the House floor that someone had threatened to kill him and the Department of Justice (DOJ) won’t arrest the man, despite the Capitol Police recommending they do so.

“I thank the gentleman for yielding because I think someone may be trying to kill me. And if they are successful, I would like my constituents and my family to know who stopped their arrest,” Gaetz declared.

He went on to say he was sent a death threat by someone on Twitter calling themselves @CIABOBISATYOURDOOR.

Gaetz read the threat aloud: “‘Lookie here pal. I lived in Portland. Portland has ordered a hit on you. I accepted the contract. Have a good day.’”

The supposed button-man reportedly made his way to Washington, D.C. That’s when the Capitol Police suggested he should be arrested, but the DOJ decided otherwise.

“And on the eve of the attorney general testifying before the Judiciary Committee tomorrow, it is just yet another example of the Department of Justice having a double standard,” Gaetz stated further. “If my name weren’t Gaetz, if it were Omar or Tlaib, you bet this person would have been arrested because that’s what the Capitol Police recommended. But the Department of Justice doesn’t seem to care so much when it’s Republicans.”

This isn’t Gaetz’s first death threat from a lefty wack job.

In January 2021, a Wyoming man left a phone message for Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), threatening Matt Gaetz’s life before Gaetz was due to make a speech in Liz Cheney’s home state, to speak out against her for voting to impeach then-President Trump.

Christopher Podlesnik, 51, left several messages threatening to kill then-Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Sen. Barrasso, Rep. Gaetz, and Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard, who is running to unseat Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.).

“I will [censored] see that Matt Gaetz gets killed when he gets here,” was one message allegedly left by Podelsnik.

“You let Gaetz step into the State of Wyoming, not only is he going to be dead…you’re going to be dead,” was another message left for Barrasso, allegedly by Podlesnik.

Podlesnik was actually arrested. If convicted, what will his sentence be? As we’ve seen, threatening a Republican politician’s life doesn’t mean always result in a stiff sentence.

 Related: Antifa Repeatedly Threatens Andy Ngo’s Life. What Are the Portland Police Doing About It?

Another lefty fruit cup threatened to kill Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) and his family. He was convicted and sentenced to a mere eight weekends in jail. That’s 16 days, despite his stating that Harris is an “animal that needs to be tortured and skinned alive” and threatening to slit Harris’s throat and slaughter his family.

Source: PJ Media

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