Several years ago I was hired to do a corporate show for a company in Ohio. I was at the venue talking with the owner of the business, and he began pointing people out and telling me who they were, their job titles, etc. He pointed to a black guy and said, “That’s Chuck. Last year at this time he was on probation. I thought I was going to have to fire him. This year he signed more new clients than anyone else.”

“What’s his secret?” I asked.

“Perspective,” the man answered. “He complained that he was only on probation because he was black. He said I needed to fire someone to save money, and of course, it would be the black guy. I showed him the numbers and proved he was on probation because of his performance, not his skin color. Now he’s #1.”

Everyone on the left should learn from Chuck. Sometimes I’ll say that racism isn’t holding people back. Yet some very successful black people scream “RACISM” when they screw things up.

The progressives have built an army of victims. Whether it’s their skin color, their gender, their pretend gender, or the fuzzy animal costume they wear on dates, every leftist has a built-in excuse for when they fail, and it’s always someone else’s bigotry.

OPINION-O-RAMA! Excuses are comfortable fallback for people prone to failure.

The left has pretended for years that equality was the goal (and as a former liberal I believed this myth). It’s not, nor has it ever been.

Are minorities equal today? I guess that depends on whom you ask.

Considering that the U.S. is the only democratic republic to have a mostly white voter base elect a black man to lead it twice, I’d say things are looking good. There are tons of black police chiefs around the nation, as well as judges and prosecutors. If there is “systemic racism” in the legal system, there are a LOT of black people in on it.

I’m not saying there is no racism in today’s America. Who could forget the black supremacist who ran over 62 white people in a Christmas parade?

Imagine a country with so little racism toward minorities these days that successful lefties actually have to fake it.

Of the 400 + fake hate crimes reported in the U.S. in recent times, Jussie Smollett’s attempt to create racism where there was none takes the trophy for the “You Can’t Be Serious, Dude” of the Decade Award.

Smollett likes to play two victim cards, one for being black and one for being gay, neither of which kept him from enjoying a successful career in acting, a vocation where 90% of the unionized actors are traditionally unemployed.

Rather than enjoy his success and the lack of bigotry that helped him get there, Smollett needed more victimhood. Here was his battle plan (thank GOD Smollett wasn’t a general or we would all be speaking Chinese):

  • Hire two black guys to pretend they are white guys in MAGA hats.
  • Pretend they were in downtown Chicago at 2:30 a.m. in 14-degree weather.
  • Pretend they are carrying bleach and a noose as they wander in the cold Chicago night.
  • Pretend these two “white guys in MAGA hats” watch whichever show Smollett was on (as a white guy in a MAGA hat, I had never heard of Smollett OR his show), recognize him, beat him, bleach him, and put a noose around his neck.

Rather than have me spell it out, watch comedian Dave Chappelle point out how insane Smollett’s attempt at victimhood really was:


The Blue-check lefties JUMPED at the chance to defend Smollett. Why not? It was two white guys in MAGA hats. Libtards HATE “those obviously racist types.”

Yesterday, Smollett got some of the spankings he deserved, and what did he do in response? He denied his guilt and blamed racism and homophobia for the reason he will spend 150 days behind bars. He had it all, he ruined it by faking racism, and THEN he blamed racism and homophobia for going to jail.

I’ll say it again: he faked racism and yet STILL blamed racism for his jail sentence. You can’t win with a far lefty.

Also, just before Smollett blamed racism for his botched plan, “racism” didn’t seem to affect Corey Pujols, who was sentenced to mere house arrest for punching and killing a 77-year-old white man who had allegedly called Pujols a naughty name.

Frank Abrokwa skated out of a New York City jail after dropping a deuce in a bag and smearing it onto the face, eyes, mouth, and nose of a Hispanic woman.

If “systemic racism” ruled the country, this guy would be dead. But it doesn’t; political correctness does, so Abrokwa is out in NYC as you read this, perhaps even looking for a woman to drop another crab-cake on.

The harpies on The View believe that “racism” and “misogyny” are the reasons people are criticizing Kamala Harris’ painful cackle in Poland. WWIII is supposedly on, and Harris is whooping like a crane. She isn’t being attacked because she is black or a woman; it’s because she’s a chortling dumbass. The ONLY reason she was picked as Biden’s VP is that she is a black woman. No racism, no misogyny. Quite the contrary.

Ditto Chicago’s mayor Lori Lightfoot. She claimed that “99%” of the criticism lobbed her way is due to “racism and sexism.” Maybe she just sucks at her job. Have you seen Chicago’s crime stats?

FACT-O-RAMA! As of this writing, 456 people have been shot in Chicago in 2022.

No one took more abuse from the press than President Trump. Lightfoot and Harris don’t get a pass because they are black and/or women. We are treating them the same as we treat anyone else in politics who consistently underachieve. It’s called equality, and it’s supposed to be the goal, right? Too bad the left doesn’t believe in it too.

Source: PJ Media

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