Michigan’s Henry Ford Health System (HFHS), which owns five hospitals in the Detroit metro area, is getting battered by new cases of the Bat Flu. HFHS has roughly 32,000 employees, and 686 have tested positive for the Chinese Sneeze in the past seven days. That’s roughly 2% of their staff.

But wait, this is omicron. Almost no one dies from it. What’s the problem?

HFHS also closed 97 beds, roughly 5% of their 2,000 total beds, due to “staffing shortages.” Reminder: HFHS fired 400 workers last October for not getting vaccinated. This clownish decision came after they were hit by “unprecedented staffing challenges, only exasperated by this pandemic.”

Roughly 1,900 employees were granted exemptions from the HFHS vaccine mandate.

So you were low on workers and you canned 400 more? Now Michigan is setting records for COVID cases. Who would make that kind of decision?

Henry Ford Health currently has 480 patients with COVID. That’s a jump of 25% from last week.

“We’re very concerned about what’s going to come in the days ahead,” stated Dr. Dennis Cunningham, the HFHS’s medical director of infection control and prevention. He went on to say it was going to be a “very rough month.”

HFHS recently shortened the quarantine time for sick employees down to seven days and is considering going to a mere five days.

Or they could hire all the workers they fired...

Needless to say, HFHS is still pimping the vaccine that isn’t really a vaccine.

“Still, vaccination remains the most effective tool for protecting ourselves,” declared Dr. Adnan Munkarah, executive vice president and chief clinical officer for Henry Ford Health. “The third shot booster affects us even more. Science and data support that.”

Science and data also suggest masks are borderline useless, lockdowns are dangerous, and firing 400 workers when you’re already understaffed is shockingly stupid.

Munkaraha also said 65% of the COVID patients had not been vaccinated. He further noted that HFHS has 60 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and 65% of those patients have not been vaxxed.

In other words, 35% of COVID patients have been vaccinated, as well as 35% of those in the ICU. Miraculously, Henry Ford somehow doesn’t know how many of their sick employees have been vaccinated. Weird, considering they know the vaccine status of every employee.

FACT-O-RAMA! Michigan’s 7-day  COVID moving death average is currently 1,165 per day.

As of Tuesday, Michigan had 96 kids hospitalized due to COVID, a Michigan record. This despite the fact that 15% of kids 5-11 years old are fully vaccinated.

Source: PJ Media

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