Our betters in the World Economic Forum (WEF) gathered in Davos this week to decide what’s best for the planet and everyone on it (especially themselves). But Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, was sad. He was disappointed that the plebs don’t want his company’s revered COVID-19 vaccines.

“It’s sad to say, I’m in the process of throwing 30 million doses into the garbage, because nobody wants them,” lamented Bancel as he participated in a panel discussion. “We have a big demand problem.” Actually, that sounds like a big over-supply problem to me, but what do I know?

Bancel elaborated on the outreach efforts the pharma giant was making to “every country,” including going around to all the embassies in Washington, D.C., to entreat governments to distribute the excess shots to their citizens. But sadly, he concluded, “nobody wants to take them.”

“The challenge we have now is [a] very different situation than we had two years ago. The problem we had two years ago is there was no mRNA capacity in the world. Zero.”

“The situation is very different today,” explained Bancel. “Moderna has three billion doses annual capacity, Pfizer has four billion doses, that’s seven billion doses, and the Chinese don’t want the vaccines with mRNA. So if you just take the, just the Chinese population out, you have more than a dose per person, and as we just discussed, the issue in many countries is people don’t want vaccines.

Bancel called out the ugly Americans. “In the U.S., people don’t want vaccines,” he said. “Around the world, we have a lot of people who don’t want the vaccine,” Bancel mourned, before reiterating that the problem was not a “capacity limit.”

Just before Bancel’s comments, at the opening of the annual World Health Assembly, WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus did his part to whip up global enthusiasm for the controversial novel mRNA vaccine.

“So, is it — COVID-19 — over?” Tedros asked rhetorically before answering his own question: “No, it’s most certainly not over.”

“I know that’s not the message you want to hear, and it’s definitely not the message I want to deliver,” he dissembled, clinging to the halcyon memories of his days in the pandemic throne room.

“It’s not over anywhere until it’s over everywhere,” Tedros insisted later in his remarks. “Only 57 countries have vaccinated 70% of their population – almost all of them high-income countries,” he asserted, before chastising recalcitrant nations for having an inadequate commitment to getting those big-money-contract shots into arms. Finally, he called out the great bane of globalists around the globe: “And in all, we see vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation and disinformation.” Oh noes — not misinformation and disinformation again! They’re becoming almost as ubiquitous and destructive as climate change and institutionalized racism!

It’s sad to watch these elites struggle with their feelings of loss and irrelevance as the world moves on from the great COVID manipulation. Almost as sad as watching all that money get wasted on millions of unwanted, useless vaccines.

Source: PJ Media

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