New York Gov. Kathy Hochul hates it when other people are happy. This is especially true of political opponents who smile after doing something she disagrees with.

Hochul criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was caught smiling after signing a bill restricting abortions in the state of Florida. Hochul not only grumbled about DeSantis’s happiness, but she also managed to include a plug for abortion mills in the state of New York.

“Smiling from ear to ear as he rips away the reproductive rights of Floridians. It’s cruel and despicable,” Hochul tweeted.

DeSantis, of course, “ripped” nothing away. Abortion is still legal in Florida. The correct way to describe what DeSantis did is that he “limited” abortions. Hochul’s hysterical ranting notwithstanding, she was calm enough to lay out the welcome mat for women who want to travel to New York for an abortion.

New York Post:

Some commenters questioned Hochul’s wording in her fiery response.

“Interesting choice of words, ‘rips,’ as you talk about abortion, gov,” one Twitter user wrote.

Even among pro-choice advocates, there is disagreement.

The new Florida law, which will go into effect July 1 — would prohibit abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a dramatic cut from the current limit of 24 weeks.

It does not allow for exemptions for pregnancies causes by rape, incest or human trafficking. However, it does permit the procedure when an abortion is deemed necessary to save the mother’s life, prevent serious injury or if the fetus has a fatal abnormality.

With in-home pregnancy tests, a woman can find out if she’s pregnant much sooner than used to be possible. Fifteen weeks is enough time to discover pregnancy and weigh all factors in order to reach an intelligent, reasoned decision.

Ending a pregnancy is a tragedy, even if it’s legal. That’s something the pro-choice crowd will never understand.

Source: PJ Media

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