Nancy Pelosi’s response to a question from CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” has sparked speculation as to whether she’ll be running for reelection in 2022.

“I do want to ask about your own future in Congress. Are you going to run for reelection?” Tapper asked the House Speaker.

“Oh, you think I’m going to make an announcement right here and now?” she said, laughing. She’s held the same seat in Congress since 1987. She has been elected Speaker of the House four times but has previously indicated that this term would be her last as Speaker. Her approval ratings nationwide are so bad they make Joe Biden look popular.

“You’re going to run for reelection, though, yes?” Tapper pressed.

“Why would I tell you that now?”

“Well, it’s not just me—” Tapper interjected. But, Pelosi wasn’t taking the bait.

“Probably, I would have that conversation with my family first, if you don’t mind.”

Democrats currently have an ultra-slim majority in the House and are expected to lose more seats in the 2022 election. Two senior House Democrats have recently announced their plans to retire.

Source: PJ Media

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