Human rights lawyer Leigh Dundas has planned a massive, four-day COVID-19 vaccine mandate strike for November 8-11.

Thousands are expected to walk off their jobs, culminating in a Veterans Day anti-vax rally in San Francisco.

The fun is scheduled to start Monday, Nov. 8, in Los Angeles.

“The Golden Gate Bridge Rally is going to be an epic and unprecedented moment in time. It will mark—on Veterans’ Day evening—a 4-day Nationwide walkout, by rank and file workers everywhere, from blue-collar to white-collar, black, white, yellow, red, every faith, every creed, who are uniquely united despite their differences on one common truth: that vaccine mandates have no place in a truly free society,” strike organizer Dundas told The Epoch Times.

People are fed up with vaccine mandates and were happy to spill their guts to The Epoch Times.

“I will lose my livelihood on December 8, because I won’t allow an experimental gene therapy to be injected into my bloodstream. I’ve recovered from COVID, and I work from home, but the government has claimed authority over my body and medical choices. I choose natural, God’s, immunity over government,” declared Kristen Grace, an 18-year veteran engineer for Raytheon Systems.

“I’ve submitted a Notification of Religious Accommodation,” another Raytheon engineer, who has been with the company for 25 years, told a reporter from the Epoch Times. “If it’s not approved, I’ll be fired on December 8th because I’m not going to violate my beliefs or surrender my Constitutional rights for a job. Honestly, this is the most stressful year of my professional life. I’ve lost many nights of sleep. Even if approved I’ll likely continue to look for a new job.”

“I feel betrayed by a company I’ve given my best years,” the anonymous engineer continued. “They could have stood up for us but they put profits and the ‘woke’ agenda first. I’m surrounded by fully vaccinated people with new and mysterious health issues, many have gotten COVID, but I’m treated like someone unclean, less than.”

FACT-O-RAMA! The 1926 Railway Labor Act legally forbids people working in the rail and air transport industries to strike.

New Hampshire lawyer Christopher Burns believes the Democrats’ drive to have employers push the vaccine mandate is unprecedented. “For the first time in the history of the country the president and an entire political party seem to think it’s constitutionally appropriate to dictate to a private employer how to treat its private employees by requiring the employer to demand privately protected health information from the employee,” Burns told the Epoch Times.

Source: PJ Media

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