Officer Jason Rivera’s funeral closed the streets of Lower Manhattan on Friday. Rivera and his partner, Wilbert Mora, were gunned down during a domestic dispute call.

But at least one New Yorker didn’t like the traffic jam that was caused by “one f**king cop,” as Jacqueline Guzman made clear in a TikTok rant.

“We do not need to shut down most of Lower Manhattan because one cop died for probably doing his job incorrectly,” she says in the video.


It gets worse.

Daily Mail

“They kill people who are under 22 every single day for no good reason and we don’t shut down the city for them, so.’”

She then pans the camera to show ambulances and cop cars blocking off the streets of New York.

Thousands of officers flooded into city for the funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Midtown. Rivera and his partner Wilbert Mora, 27, were shot dead in East Harlem while responding to a domestic call earlier this month.

“This is f**king ridiculous, this is f**king ridiculous,’”Guzman rants.

As if Guzman’s obscene rant against the cops wasn’t bad enough, a Brooklyn teacher called for “reciprocity” against the cops attending the funeral. He referred to an incident during the George Floyd protests where an NYPD SUV was forced to move slowly through a crowd of angry, screaming, spitting protesters as they pummeled the vehicle. At the time, the activists claimed that the cop was trying to run them down. Even Mayor de Blasio said the protesters refused to get out of the way.

New York Post:

Christopher Flanigan, who teaches math at Coney Island Prep in Brooklyn according to his LinkedIn page, posted an overhead shot of thousands of officers lining Fifth Avenue for Rivera’s funeral Friday outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The post was captioned, “5/30/20: NYPD SUV drives into a crowd of protestors. Ideal conditions for reciprocity.”

The incident Flanigan referenced happened in the wake of the George Floyd police murder, when an NYPD vehicle drove through a group of Brooklyn protestors that were demonstrating against police following the Minnesota man’s death.

Most of the Twitter responses to Guzman’s rant are unprintable. But the mother of a serving NYPD officer had some advice for her.

A mother of a NYPD officer angrily told the girl: ‘”iss are you serious? I am the mother of a NYC POLICE OFFICER you should be ashamed of yourself. Both Officer Rivera & Mora made the ultimate sacrifice protecting the citizens of this city and your upset because your [sic] inconvenienced?? Get ready for next week miss.”

Actors have been known to do desperate things to get noticed. The King of Comedy comes to mind. But you have to wonder, would this brainless actress and the brain-dead teacher have made comments like this if activists weren’t constantly spouting hysterical and exaggerated things about cops?

Source: PJ Media

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