The New York Times, the liberals’ secular bible, warned Democrats Thursday to moderate their positions or prepare for more losses in 2022 and beyond.

In over 1,000 words, the editorial board noted that the disastrous Virginia results, among others, “are a grave marker of political peril.”

While this is sensible, it’s also audacious for a paper that cheerleads every absurd woke idea and endorsed socialist Elizabeth Warren for president last year.

“What would do justice, and what is badly needed, is an honest conversation in the Democratic Party about how to return to the moderate policies and values that fueled the blue-wave victories in 2018 and won Joe Biden the presidency in 2020,” the paper opined. “Americans badly need a rolling conversation today and in the coming weeks and months about how moderate voters of all affiliations can coalesce behind and guide the only party right now that shows an interest in governing and preserving democratic norms.”

For what it’s worth, the left-leaning Atlantic agreed and went even further on moderation.

The Times continued: “the party has become distracted from crucial issues like the economy, inflation, ending the coronavirus pandemic and restoring normalcy in schools and isn’t offering moderate, unifying solutions to them. But Democrats, looking left on so many priorities and so much messaging, have lost sight of what can unite the largest number of Americans. A national Democratic Party that dwells on Donald Trump at the expense of forward-looking ideas, is at risk of becoming a marginal Democratic Party appealing only to the left.”

They then noted other trends working against Democrats.

“When voters are feeling surly and unhappy about the direction of the country — as polls show that a majority of them are — they tend to blame the party in power. President Biden’s poll numbers have been on the slide for months, for a blend of reasons ranging from the ugly withdrawal from Afghanistan to the seemingly endless burdens of the pandemic. In an era of nationalized elections, that exerts a drag on his entire party.”

As if just realizing this after nine long months, they explain to their insular readers that “many Americans, across party lines, are concerned about crime and border security and inflation. The high price of gas is causing particular pain.”

Most voters do hold Biden responsible for inflation.

“Biden did not win the Democratic primary because he promised a progressive revolution. He captured the nomination because he promised an exhausted nation a return to sanity, decency and competence,” the board concludes. “Congress should focus on what is possible, not what would be possible if Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema and — frankly — a host of lesser-known Democratic moderates who haven’t had to vote on policies they might oppose were not in office.”

As a patriotic American, I welcome the moderation but do not see this occurring. As evidenced in their inane battles over spending trillions, progressive totalitarians do not compromise.

Democrats also refused these sensible suggestions after their 2010 debacle and still do not reside in political reality. Even after this week’s shellacking in blue locales, the narrowest of presidential wins last year, and a split Congress, many still think this is 1933 or 1965 with massive majorities.

When David Brooks realizes that Nancy Pelosi and the Biden administration remain clueless because they listen to MSNBC pundits and young radicals on Twitter, we know the deal.

Source: PJ Media

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