In an interview with “Good Morning America” on Tuesday, former President Barack Obama commented on the border crisis in Del Rio, Texas.

Obama stated that the crisis at the Del Rio border is “heartbreaking” and that the system, overall, “is dysfunctional.”

“It’s the reason I proposed comprehensive immigration reform. It’s the reason Joe Biden proposed it during his administration, and it’s something that is long overdue,” Obama stated, according to GMA.

The former president went on to say the situation at Del Rio is a reminder that more work needs to be done and that President Biden understands the situation better than anyone.

“As big-hearted as he is, nobody understands that better than Joe Biden,” Obama said in his interview. “And the question is now: Are we gonna get serious about dealing with this problem in a systemic way, as opposed to these one-offs where we’re constantly reacting to emergencies? And I think that that’s something that every American should wanna put an end to.”

That must have been a difficult statement to make considering that it is hard to believe that Joe Biden understands anything these days. The man cannot even complete a sentence.

Obama really has no leg to stand on when it comes to immigration reform. He had eight years in office and did nothing. Let us not forget that the “kids in cages” narrative— in tweets that have since been deleted—that attempted to blame Donald Trump for putting immigrant children in “cages” at the border was actually an Obama-era policy, as reported by the Associated Press Fact Check.

However, we can agree with Obama’s speech in 2005 in which he stated, “We are a generous and welcoming people here in the U.S., but those who enter the country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law.”

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S. undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country,” he added. 

To be fair, Obama did state in that same speech that “securing the border alone “is not enough, as seen in this clip from C-SPAN.

Biden, however, did not demonstrate his competency on the border situation as conditions worsened earlier this month. A tent city was set up underneath a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, while as many as 15,000 immigrants waited to be processed, according to CBS News.

The Texas Department of Public Safety also had to create a border of its own using their units as a “steel border” to deter any more illegal immigrants from crossing the border:

The Del Rio Mayor is urging the federal government to do a better job as local officials warn of an impending crisis, according to CBS News.

Source: PJ Media

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