Illegal immigration is at historic crisis levels, and the Biden administration seems not to care. They’ve basically laid out the welcome mat, and have been flying illegals to various U.S. cities. Kamala Harris was supposedly put in charge of the border crisis but can’t even be bothered to actually visit the border.

It’s a crisis of historic proportions that has even gotten Republicans promising to impeach Biden next year for his failure to secure the border.

Why did it have to happen this way? How did Biden go from inheriting the most secure southern border in history to overseeing a historic border crisis?

Well, just ask White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. According to her, “We had every intention of implementing a different approach” than the Trump administration on immigration.

Oh, so because Trump secured the border, the Biden administration decided to create open borders? Basically, their immigration policy can be summed up as “Orange Man Bad.”

This anti-Trump immigration policy is tied to the Biden administration’s pursuit of various forms of amnesty, including DACA and giving legal status to families separated at the border. In the same briefing, Psaki confirmed that this was the White House’s intention.

Imagine being so blinded with hatred for Donald Trump that you’d not only allow an invasion of illegal immigrants but actively assist in that invasion.

Source: PJ Media

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