Women have had enough of being used as political pawns. Like every other “identity group,” the political left and media inform women what we’re allowed to believe and which politicians we should support.

The double standard crafted by progressive politicians and carried out by their allies in the media cannot be tolerated any longer. Any scandal involving Republicans is blown wildly out of proportion, while cases involving Democrats are ignored or downplayed.

That’s why we – the Women for America First – are not going to sit idly by while Congressman Matt Gaetz is held to a much different standard than a Democrat would be.

As was the case with Justice Kavanagh, President Trump, and just like with countless others on the political right – Gaetz is being targeted for one critical reason: he’s a threat to the global elite and their agenda.

Gaetz is the first one to admit he’s not perfect. He detailed the shortcomings in personal life for an op-ed for The Washington Examiner. Yet the national media continues to hound him and his loved ones, all while becoming silent on Democrat politicians’ public failures.

The ten credible accusers of Andrew Cuomo won’t find themselves interviewed on prime-time cable news programs.

Not to mention that we hardly hear about the New York Governor’s heinous action of sending thousands of senior citizens to their death when he ordered nursing homes to take coronavirus patients.

The Democratic Party has a long history of carrying water for their sleazy head honchos from a Massachusetts Senator who drowned a woman, a President who lied under oath about an affair he had with an intern in the White House, a California Congressman who had an alleged relationship with a Chinese spy, or the credible sexual assault allegations against the Attorney General of Minnesota and lieutenant governor of Virginia.

For decades they have been shielded and protected to gain political power.

Women for America First received fierce backlash when we decided to invite Congressman Gaetz to our Save America Summit in Miami. The same people on the left who spent decades defending Kennedy, Clinton, and Ellison attacked us, claiming we were hypocritical towards our mission of being advocates for conservative women.

We invited Gaetz because he’s a fighter. He has taken on the political establishment on both sides of the aisle in the People’s House.

During his tenure, he’s advocated for the America First agenda, including stopping our nation’s endless wars, fixing our broken borders, and creating an economy for the working-class.

There are far too few Republican politicians in Washington, D.C. willing to carry out that political mandate they were handed by their voters.

Gaetz shouldn’t back away from that fight because of attacks from a media that has spent the last five years promoting any lie about Republican politicians. This is still America and despite the media’s witch hunt, you are innocent until proven guilty, not just if you’re a Democrat politician.

Gaetz is powered by three things: the love for his country, the trust from his constituents, and the salty liberal tears that grace his Twitter feed.

So, by all means, keep it up.

With President Trump no longer in the White House, the 74 million people who backed him in the most recent election need a fighter for the MAGA doctrine like never before; One that follows in the example of Andrew Breitbart and walks towards the fire. Congressman Matt Gaetz is that fighter.

The same baseless attacks that have plagued Republicans in the past aren’t going to scare off Congressman Gaetz, no matter how many strongly worded letters from the Liz Cheney caucus come his way.

Just like Trumpism, the MAGA movement, and Women for America First: Matt Gaetz isn’t going anywhere.

Get used to it.

Amy Kremer, Chairwoman of Women for America First, was one of the very first supporters of President Trump in 2016. She co-founded Women for Trump, and Great America PAC – the largest grassroots organization in support of then-candidate Donald J. Trump. 

Source: Newmax

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