There are many different polling organizations, but Gallup has the reputation of being among the best, if not the best. So it’s particularly significant that even though many other polls have shown Biden underwater in the past month, the Gallup poll, for the first time, shows that a majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s performance as president.

In fact, it’s not even close. While 53 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance, a mere 43 percent approve, giving him an approval spread of -10 points.

“Eight months after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, his job approval rating has fallen six percentage points to 43%, the lowest of his presidency,” reports Gallup. “For the first time, a majority, 53%, now disapproves of Biden’s performance.”

Gallup continues: “The latest drop in Biden’s job approval score is the second significant decline since June. Biden’s honeymoon ratings near 55% first faltered in July, falling to 50% amid rising COVID-19 cases caused largely by the delta variant. In Gallup’s Aug. 2-17 poll, Biden’s rating was essentially unchanged, at 49%.”

Oh, but it gets worse for Ol’ Joe.

Biden’s biggest decline in support came from independents. Democrats still overwhelmingly support him (90 percent approval) and Republicans still overwhelmingly disapprove (6 percent approval), but Biden’s approval from independents is at 37 percent, down from a high of 61 percent. Most of that decline has occurred in the past three months.

Think the bad news is over for Joe? It’s not.

Remember how Kamala Harris had historically low popularity for a vice president? Well, according to Gallup, this historically unpopular vice president is more popular than Joe Biden.

“For the first time, Gallup asked Americans to evaluate how Vice President Kamala Harris is doing in her role. Her ratings are better than Biden’s by six points, with 49% approving and 49% disapproving,” Gallup reports.

This is an embarrassing milestone for Biden. He was supposed to be the experienced uniter who would bring this country together, yet more people approve of his San Francisco liberal co-president. Perhaps that’s because she’s been trying to stay out of the limelight since the Afghanistan disaster. Joe Biden can still take comfort in the fact that Kamala, just like him, is underwater with independents.

If Biden doesn’t want his own party pushing him out in favor of Kamala, he needs to do something to boost his numbers. Though it would probably be easier to tank her numbers by making her visit the southern border and take more questions from the media.

Source: PJ Media

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