The child sex groomers are at it again, this time in Connecticut. John F. Kennedy Middle School created their own pizzagate scandal by “accidentally” giving out an assignment to 8th graders that asked them to make code words for sex acts using pizza toppings and then build a sex pizza with all their favorite sex acts. (I’d like to remind you that 8th graders are 13 and 14 years old.)

The assignment pretends to be about teaching consent but is really just an excuse for creepy adults to encourage underage kids to have sex with each other. The assignment says:

We can use pizza as a metaphor for sex! When you order pizzza with your friends, everyone checks in about each other’s preferences, right? Some people might be vegan, some might be gluten-free. Others might love pineapple, while others prefer pepperoni. Some might not like pizza at all. If you’re a vegetarian, but your friend is a meat-lover, sharing a pizza is going to bring up a lot of issues. You don’t know who can share pizza with until you ask.

The same goes with sex! You have to check in with your partner(s) and ask for their preferences. Your partner(s) might be comfortable with one sexual activity, but not another. Maybe your partner(s) only want to be touched a certain way, or maybe your partner(s) perfer to use certain language. Or maybe they don’t like or want sex at all. You’ll never know if your wants, desires, and boundaries are compatible with theirs unless you ask.

The assignment goes even further, giving examples like “Likes: Cheese = kissing, dislikes: Olives = Giving oral.” Then the students were asked to “draw and color your favorite type of pizza. What’s your favorite style of pizza? Your favorite toppings? What are your pizza no-nos? Now mirror these preferences in relation to sex.”

First, only psychopaths like pineapple on pizza. Everyone knows this. Second, Kruiser will never forgive me if I don’t insert a meat-lovers supreme joke here, and third, why in the hell has some “educator” written an assignment that insinuates that 12-year-olds not only want to have sex but sex with multiple partners? Who wrote this? Caligula?  Perhaps the educators at this school should stop taking Joe Biden up on the free crack pipes.

The school, having been caught teaching this assignment in school, is trying to make it seem like they never intended to use it at all.

According to the Daily Mail, the district’s health director, Brie Quartin, said, “The incorrect version, as opposed to the revised version of this assignment was mistakenly posted on our Grade 8 curriculum page, and was inadvertently used for instruction to Grade 8 Health classes.” The “correct” version, which Quartin claims was … well, I don’t know. I can’t understand her explanation. Maybe you can decipher this.

She went on to explain that the ‘correct version’ of the assignment would have students work in small groups ‘to craft a pizza with toppings that would make everyone happy/comfortable using nonverbal communication only.’ The students would then be asked to ‘reflect and discuss how thoughts or feelings can be confusing or misconstrued if we rely on nonverbal cues/communication alone.’

So the kids were going to add sexual toppings without talking about it? Does that make it any better? Does anyone believe this? It doesn’t seem like the parents do. They’ve taken to social media to tell the school how crazy and stupid they are, and who can blame them?

Parent Tracey Jarvis told NBC Connecticut: “This assignment is prompting kids to become sexually active before their time.”

The board meeting was lit AF. One former teacher called out the “it was a mistake” defense by describing all the red tape curriculum has to go through before it gets handed to the students. “I’m tired of listening to ‘it was a mistake.’ I taught school in this town for 38 years,” he said. “I know how the system works. You get a group of teachers to form a committee and write the curriculum. Then it is passed on to the whole department usually. Then it — it’s gotta go up to the health committee.” He said the board is then ultimately responsible for reviewing it. How did it get through all those people and no one noticed? It’s a valid question.

The superintendent had no intention of taking any responsibility and instead berated the parents for thinking this assignment was part of a larger plan to make delinquents out of their kids. “There was no secret cabal to indoctrinate kids on something,” he said. “They sent the wrong document. And I’m not going to perpetuate this story any longer on their behalf,” said Christopher Drezek.

Then he berated the parents for speaking out on social media and claimed they were attacking teachers—which is always what school officials do when something like this happens. “I was really disappointed in some of the comments from our community members,” he said. “It’s not cool whatsoever. We all have our opinions on stuff, but Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc., I don’t care where it is, it’s not the place to go and take misconstrued information and put your own opinion on it.”

I’m sure the community of taxpayers who pay Drezek’s salary were thrilled to hear him tell them what they can and cannot say on their own social media accounts. Drezek did not offer an apology to the students who received the explicit assignment. He spent several minutes complimenting his school system and how wonderful it is and how wonderful all the teachers are and how bad the community is for criticizing them.

I don’t think parents are done with this issue. One fun-looking blonde took the microphone and, after assuring everyone there were no kids in the room, described her sexual dislikes and likes and asked the board members if they would be comfortable describing their sexual desires to the filled room. It was pretty funny. “I’m a ‘don’t knock it till you try it’ kind of girl but I don’t like anchovies. And anchovies for me equals anal sex,” she said. “Now let’s talk about what I do like! No. I’m kidding. We’d be here all night,” she continued while chewing gum and laughing. “Does that make you feel uncomfortable? Does that make you cringe? Would you like to share your sexual preferences with a room full of people? Imagine how a 13-year-old would feel.” She’s not wrong.

A parents’ organization called Defending Ed is supporting parents in the fight against inappropriate curriculum and has the entire assignment on their website. The following news clip from ABC WLJA has more.

Source: PJ Media

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