Some people call them “ghost flights” — federally chartered planes that arrive in the dead of night at airports far from the U.S. border and deep inside the country’s interior. They drop off their cargo of illegal aliens, who are immediately boarded onto waiting buses and distributed who-knows-where. Flight manifests are never made available by the government, even to the contractors who fly the planes for them and especially not to local officials.

On Christmas Day, the Wilkes Barre-Scranton International Airport in Pennsylvania received two such flights, and local Republicans are trying to get to the bottom of it.

“No one was made aware of it. They did their very best to make this very secretive,” Rep. Dan Meuser said on NewsMax TV’s National Report on Monday. “Planeloads of underage migrants are being secretly flown into northeast Pennsylvania with the idea of quietly resettling them across the region, and so it’s not just one plane thus far. It’s been four and it is, in fact confirmed. And we are receiving no information at all. I have letters out to Sec. Mayorkas at the Dept. of Homeland Security. We have other calls in to the State Dept.”

Meuser sent a letter to Sec. Mayorkas in which he referred to an earlier ghost flight that had landed in Scranton on Dec. 17. “It is my understanding that a total of 130 immigrants, 118 minors and 12 adults, arrived aboard an iAero charter flight on Friday, Dec. 17, and were subsequently transported on buses from a private hangar,” he wrote. “This flight seems to have occurred without airport officials receiving notice or a passenger manifest.”

On Sunday, Meuser learned that two more flights arrived in Scranton. A fourth flight is scheduled to land on Dec. 30.

“The lack of communication and transparency surrounding this process is unacceptable,” he said. “Your agency failed to notify me or any other local officials of these activities, leaving us unable to answer the concerns of constituents in the communities we represent. Pennsylvanians deserve to know about these decisions affecting their community.”

Lou Barletta, who previously represented Pennsylvania’s 11th congressional district in the U.S. Congress (where he pushed back hard against the Obama administration’s lax immigration policies) is currently running for Governor of Pennsylvania. On his website, he noted the after-dark Christmas Day illegal immigrant drop-offs:

Two more chartered airplanes originating in El Paso, Texas landed at Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport on Christmas night, adding to the evidence that illegal immigrants are being flown to Northeast Pennsylvania without citizens’ knowledge. The two flights originated in El Paso, stopped in Cincinnati, and landed in Pennsylvania at 6:48 p.m. and 8:47 p.m. on December 25, according to The air carrier was World Atlantic Airlines, which contracts with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transport illegal immigrants.

On Dec. 23, Barletta sent a letter of protest to Pa. Gov. Tom Wolf and Atty. Gen. Josh Shapiro regarding the Dec. 17 ghost flight. He concluded his letter with a series of questions for the state leadership:

  1. Was there indeed a flight from El Paso to Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport on December 17, 2021 for the purpose of transporting illegal immigrants?
  2. Were you aware of this flight?
  3. If so, what was your reasoning for permitting it to land?
  4. If you permitted the flight to land, why were the citizens of Pennsylvania not informed?
  5. How were criminal background checks conducted on the passengers?
  6. How did you determine the passengers’ COVID-19 or vaccination status?
  7. How many passengers were on board and where are they now?
  8. Will there be more such flights in the future?
  9. If you were not aware of the flight, will you commit to an investigation to determine how this was allowed to occur without your knowledge?

The only answer Barletta received to his questions was two additional illegal immigrant distributions on Christmas Day.

Ghost flights are a prevalent facet of the Biden administration’s policy of demographic transformation; socialism-accustomed, future-democrat-voting colonizers are distributed throughout the nation at taxpayer expense. These globalist-socialist settler transports typically occur in the dead of night, and airport workers are instructed not to discuss what they see — clear indicators that the government is well aware it’s doing something against the will of the people and quite possibly illegal.

It is impossible to argue that this mass importation of impoverished, dependent, culturally incongruent colonizers is in any way good for America. Any parent who ever spent five years paying for a child’s braces or struggled to afford the local school taxes must be choking on his or her rage at the liability the Biden administration is nonchalantly heaping on all our shoulders. With anywhere from 14 million to 25 million or more illegal aliens in the U.S., depending on whose estimate you subscribe to, the cost to taxpayers is staggering. Overwhelmed schools, unpaid hospital bills, uninsured accidents, and crime without restitution are the gifts bestowed upon law-abiding citizens by our government’s indefensible immigration practices.

Americans would rather get a lump of coal in their stocking than a special midnight delivery from Brandon Air.

Source: PJ Media

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