On the heels of the latest Gallup poll showing Biden underwater for the first time, the latest Pew Research Center poll is also showing him underwater—a first for this polling organization.

“With his administration facing multiple challenges at home and abroad, President Joe Biden’s job approval rating has fallen sharply in the past two months. Fewer than half of U.S. adults [44%] now approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, while 53% disapprove,” reports Pew Research Center. “This marks a reversal in Biden’s job ratings since July, when a 55% majority approved of his job performance and 43% disapproved.”

The survey of 10,371 adults was conducted from September13 to September 19.

Biden’s numbers on various issues have seen a similar decline. Back in March, 65 percent were somewhat or very confident he could handle the COVID pandemic. In this new poll, only 51 percent expressed confidence. “The shares expressing confidence in Biden’s handling of economic policy, foreign policy and immigration policy also have declined,” Pew reports.

Americans are also less confident in Biden’s ability to unite the country. Only 34 percent are confident he can bring the country together—a decline of 14 percent since March. Fewer people also believe he stands up for what he believes in or cares about the needs of ordinary people.

Like the Gallup poll, Pew found a sharp decline in support of Biden from independents. Back in July, 54 percent had a positive view of his job performance; only 42 percent do now. But Biden has lost support from his own party as well. Today, 83 percent of Democrats approve of his job performance, which, while high, is down nine points from two months ago.

But here’s another juicy nugget. According to the poll, Biden “receives his least positive assessments for being mentally sharp.”

“Currently, 43% say this describes Biden very or fairly well, an 11-point decline since March,” Pew finds.

Ouch. Forty-three percent of people still think Biden is mentally sharp? Have they not been paying attention? But seriously, that’s a number that shouldn’t be declining so fast for a sitting president.

What a mess.

Source: PJ Media

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