We are all waiting to see the next steps establishment Washington takes following the raid at Mar-a-Lago. As details emerge, the reason for the intrusive spectacle becomes less clear. It has undoubtedly divided Americans along partisan lines. However, the obvious political persecution of the former president is drawing some new lines. People notice when you put that kind of banana republic nonsense on top of a horrible economy.

According to a new poll from Convention of States and Trafalgar Group, the majority of Independents, 53.9%, believe Trump’s political enemies are behind the FBI Raid. They join 76.7% of Republicans who hold the same view. The two groups are also aligned on enthusiasm to vote based on the FBI raid. The spectacle increased the motivation to vote for 83.3% of Republicans and 71.7% of Independents.

Nearly three-quarters of Trump-Deranged Democrats believe the raid was the impartial justice system at work. The raid did not create as much enthusiasm to vote among Democrats, with only 55.2% saying it made a difference.

“Independent and Republican voters are united in their outrage about this unprecedented and tragic event in American history. It’s clear to voters that the FBI raid is designed to punish the primary political enemy of the regime in power,” said Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States. “This gestapo-style injustice has created a voting surge that is so significant, the polling doesn’t even begin to reflect what is coming from grassroots voters in November,”

Recent polling from the groups showed that nearly 80% of voters already believed we have a two-tiered justice system. Watching the raid may have reinforced that view for many on the political right. Another shows significant majorities believe that federal agencies are too big and too political. Yet another indicated growing support for a Convention of States.

So, just as America is losing confidence in the criminal justice system and getting sick of big government, the Biden DOJ caves to pressure from the liberal media to “do something” about Trump. Now it appears Democrats may know the raid was a step too far.

In an exclusive for Newsweek, “anonymous law enforcement sources” are trying to convince America that Attorney General Merrick Garland did not know about the raid. And that there was a confidential source.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBI confidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents, two senior government officials told Newsweek.

The entire piece is ridiculous. If the “confidential human source” told the agency precisely what President Trump had and where it was, why were they there for close to nine hours? Do we really believe that there were classified documents in Melania’s underwear drawer? The entire story reads like something out of the Babylon Bee.

Then there is this bit of spin. The Deep State is trying so hard to convince Americans that presidents taking documents when they leave is unusual or that they don’t have permission to take classified material:

Both senior government officials say the raid was scheduled with no political motive, the FBI solely intent on recovering highly classified documents that were illegally removed from the White House. Preparations to conduct such an operation began weeks ago, but in planning the date and time, the FBI Miami Field Office and Washington headquarters were focused on the former president’s scheduled return to Florida from his residences in New York and New Jersey.

Presidents take documents for their presidential libraries. Presidents are also the final word on what is classified and what is not. Until leaving office, Trump had the final say even if the information had to do with national security, as the anonymous sources allege. Former Pentagon Chief of Staff Kash Patel alleges the documents Trump has are all declassified, and the paperwork was slow walked. The Deep State slow walked every policy Trump tried to enact, so Patel’s version of events seems plausible.

The word “illegal” is also ridiculous, and the lengthy explanation makes it sound like Barack Obama did not leave with 30 million documents. The National Archives do not have a single digital upload from that stash as of today. When will his residence get raided? It won’t be under a Democrat or a Republican president, and everyone knows it. That is why a majority of voters see the Mar-a-Lago raid for the political theater it was.

Source: PJ Media

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