Chanting “Abortion Rights are Human Rights!” several dozen protesters gathered in the early evening on Saturday in front of the homes of two Supreme Court justices to protest the possible decision overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade.

The protesters milled about in front of the homes of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, shouting slogans and carrying signs. “No Forced Pregnancy” and “Abortion is Healthcare,” they chanted, and “No uterus, no opinion” — which appeared to sideline transgender women from the protest.

Aside from not knowing how babies are made, there was nothing original in the protester’s demonstrations.

Fox News:

The protest began at a local café in Chevy Chase before they began their march to the homes of Roberts and Kavanaugh, with a flyer for the event stating that they will protest outside the houses “for reproductive freedom.”

Protesters can be heard chanting “Keep abortion safe and legal” during the protest.

Images of coat hangers could also be seen chalked on the street where the march took place.

A left-wing group called ShutDown DC is also planning on holding another protest outside of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s house on May 9.

The protest wasn’t very diverse. In fact, there was just one black person visible in the five-minute clip posted below.

“If you take away our choices, we will riot,” one protester said with a smile on her face.


The first stop, Justice Kavanaugh’s home, where chants of “No uterus, no opinion” were greeted by Montgomery County police officers.

Organizers asked the crowd to continue moving to avoid arrests and allow the flow of traffic in the residential area.

The second stop, Justice Roberts’ home where protesters yelled “the world is watching,” and where DC Metro police officers were also on standby.

For months Lacie Wooten-Holway has been holding candle light vigils, in front of Justice Kavanagh’s home but since the leak, she says the crowd has gotten bigger. “If you take away our choices, we will riot”, says Wooten-Holway who has had an abortion and is a sexual assault survivor.

The hysteria is growing, as is the danger of some kind of explosion of violence. The protesters are working themselves into a frenzy. Eventually, they will be unable to top “over the top” except with a violent outburst.

When that happens, will the White House finally condemn the violence?

Source: PJ Media

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