Education Secretary Miguel Cardona just tapped Viola Garcia, the former president of the National School Board Association (NSBA), to serve on the Department of Education’s National Assessment Governing Board.

Remember her? Garcia was the author of the recent attack letter sent directly to President Joe Biden that called concerned parents attending our nation’s school board meetings “immediate threats” and “domestic terrorists” while also demanding the federal government target those same parents by any means available. One has to wonder if there isn’t a little quid pro quo going on here.

That’s right, the very same person who colluded with the White House to sic the federal government on parents will now be, not demoted or fired, but appointed to a cushy federal post. Beginning October 1, Garcia was quietly placed on a board that “develops the tests used to track student achievement across the country.”

According to the Washington Free Beacon, “Congress established the National Assessment Governing Board in 1988 to set policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the so-called Nation’s Report Card. Part of the board’s mission is to draft the questions used on the assessment and to use the results of the test to propose policies to the Department of Education.”

What guarantee do America’s parents have that Garcia won’t continue her leftist activism by continuing to propose far-left policies like critical race theory, ethnic studies, and whatever the left is calling it today—or worse? They have no guarantees. What guarantee do America’s parents have that Garcia won’t use her new post to target the children of those so-called “domestic terrorists” who simply want a say in their children’s taxpayer-funded education? The answer is, there’s absolutely no guarantee at all and a high likelihood of continued leftist attacks on both parents and children who resist the leftist indoctrination of this administration.

Meanwhile, homeschooling continues to look more and more appealing to America’s parents.

Source: PJ Media

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