As PJM’s Matt Margolis noted Thursday, “During her confirmation hearings, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s despicable record on sentencing child porn offenders became a key issue. Republicans pointed out that she had a pattern of giving these perverts lenient sentences, while Democrats made excuses for her and kept gushing over her status as a black woman.” And it’s even worse than we thought: investigative journalist Paul Sperry revealed Saturday that Jackson “heard horrifying details of ‘sadomasochistic’ torture of young kids — including ‘infants and toddlers’ — yet challenged the disturbing evidence presented by prosecutors and disregarded their prison recommendations to give the lightest possible punishments in each case.”

Not only that but “in some cases, she even apologized to some of the kiddie-porn perverts for having to follow the statutes, which she called ‘substantially flawed.’” Jackson repeatedly “made excuses for the sex fiends’ criminal behavior and cut them slack in defiance of investigators and prosecutors — and sometimes even probation officers serving her court — who argued for tougher sentences because the cases were particularly egregious or the defendants weren’t remorseful.” This contradicts Biden’s handlers’ claims that her light sentences for child pornographers were “mainstream” and within “normal range.”

The details are stomach-churning. “In July 2020,” Sperry reports, “Jackson gave the bare minimum sentence to a defendant convicted of distributing images and videos of infants being sexually abused, and who had boasted of molesting his 13-year-old cousin, even though she knew the defendant refused ‘to take full responsibility’ for his crimes, a transcript reveals.” The offender whom Jackson ensured got off lightly had posted a nude image of a two-year-old girl and a video of sex with a prepubescent girl.

Nor was that an isolated case. In April 2021, when sentencing a man who had distributed child pornography, Jackson dismissed his crimes as not “especially egregious,” despite the fact that “among the more than 600 images prosecutors told the judge he traded were sexually explicit pics depicting bondage of infants and toddlers,” and even worse. Yet as she gave this man a light sentence, Jackson remarked: “I’m really reluctant to get into the nature of the porn. I don’t find persuasive the government’s arguments concerning why they think that this is a particularly egregious child pornography offense, which means I struggled to find a good reason to impose a sentence that is more severe in this case.”

Mike Davis of the Article III Project, which advocates for a responsible judiciary, said that Jackson “served as the tip of the spear in weakening federal sentencing policy for child pornographers as vice chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission, where she ignored the advice of expert witnesses who disputed her theory that child pornographers are somehow not pedophiles.”

Jackson even apologized to one child pornographer as she sentenced him, saying: “This is a truly difficult situation. I appreciate that your family is in the audience. I feel so sorry for them and for you and for the anguish that this has caused all of you.” This was a habit: to another, she said: “I also feel terrible about the collateral consequences of this conviction,” adding that “sex offenders are truly shunned in our society, but I have no control over the collateral consequences.”

As revolting as all this is, it doesn’t look as if it’s going to derail Jackson’s confirmation. Controlled opposition Republican Senator Susan Collins (R-Sellout) has already announced that she is going to vote for Jackson, and can Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, and others be far behind? While the Democrats never, ever break ranks, they can always count on Republicans to do so and to help them further the Leftist agenda.

And that’s what Ketanji Brown Jackson is all about. She is not being put on the Supreme Court because of her qualifications. She is not even really being put on the Supreme Court because she is a black woman, although that’s why Old Joe Biden’s handlers chose her. She is being put on the Supreme Court because she will advance the Leftist agenda. She was lenient toward child pornographers, but there is no doubt whatsoever that she will be as tough as she possibly can be on one set of offenders: Jan. 6 “insurrectionists,” parents protesting at school boards against transgenderism and Critical Race Theory being taught in public schools, and the like. That’s why Ketanji Brown Jackson is being put on the Supreme Court. Once she is confirmed, as soon as a “right-wing” case comes before the Court, the world will see a new, tough, justice-must-be-done Ketanji Brown Jackson. Leniency? That’s for Leftists.

Source: PJ Media

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