Less than two weeks ago, members of Congress were reportedly going to be required to don KN95 or N95 masks in order to attend Joe Biden’s State of the Union.

“Failure to follow guidelines or removal of the mask in the House Chamber will result in the attendee’s removal from the event and/or fines,” House Sergeant-at-Arms William Walker said earlier this month.

But on Sunday, the Capitol physician suddenly lifted Congress’s mask mandate, and now Congress will finally embrace its inner Florida—just in time for Biden’s State of the Union Dumpster Fire.

“The Washington DC region is now in the ‘green level’ or low level in this new CDC schema allowing for reduction in coronavirus prevention measures such as coronavirus testing frequency and indoor mask wear,” Capitol physician Brian P. Monahan said.

According to Monahan, “KN95 or N95 mask wear is no longer required and mask wear is now an individual choice option.”

This reversal comes just in time for Joe Biden’s State of the Union on March 1. So after two years of the left aggressively demanding draconian measures for “slowing the spread” of COVID, when the polls should people have had enough, they reversed course. As PJM’s Stacey Lennox noted on Sunday, the Democrats will attempt to create the narrative that their leadership allowed for the end of COVID restrictions.

The State of the Union will be the ideal moment for this. Think about it, Joe Biden will have a captive audience, and he’ll be constantly photographed in the chamber maskless, surrounded by maskless members of Congress. He will declare victory from COVID and try to take credit for it.

Source: PJ Media

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