How many times have we seen liberal politicians try to talk about guns and gun control and prove they have no idea what they’re talking about?

Too many to count.

The latest example of a liberal politician being under the false impression that they made a good point on guns is Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

“If 18-year-olds can’t buy alcohol they sure shouldn’t be able to buy an AK-47. CHANGE THE LAW,” she tweeted.

As of this writing, this moronic tweet has 111,400+ likes.

Right off the bat, we can dismiss her talking point as absurd.

Democrats are always telling us that younger people are mature enough for more responsibility. Last year, a majority of House Democrats voted to lower the voting age to sixteen. Democrats think minors should be able to obtain abortions without parental consent. They also think four-year-olds can make life-altering decisions about gender transitioning.

While it’s true that 18-year-olds can’t buy alcohol, maybe they should be able to. We trust them enough that we let them join the military. If 18-year-olds aren’t mature enough to buy and own firearms, why are they mature enough to be entrusted to defend our country?

Source: PJ Media

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