On Friday, the Supreme Court announced that Justice Clarence Thomas had been hospitalized after experiencing flu-like symptoms. Thomas, 73, was admitted to Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C.

“Justice Thomas’s symptoms were abating, he’s comfortable, and could be released in the next few days,” Supreme Court spokeswoman Patricia McCabe said Friday. According to the statement, Thomas underwent tests and was “diagnosed with an infection and is being treated with intravenous antibiotics.” It’s been five days, and we haven’t received any new updates from the Supreme Court since Sunday, when Thomas was expected to “participate in the consideration and discussion of any cases for which he is not present on the basis of the briefs, transcripts, and audio of the oral arguments.” He has done so, according to a report from HuffPost, but he did not participate on Wednesday, and Chief Justice Roberts gave no explanation for Thomas’s absence.

Some Capitol Hill sources say that Thomas’s symptoms are worse than have been released by the court. Claims that he has COVID-19 have been dismissed.

Is it time to be concerned about Justice Thomas?

Source: PJ Media

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