It wasn’t the time or the place. The blood was still pooled on the floor of the Uvalde, Texas school grounds where a sick and twisted 18-year-old got his hands on an AR-15, shot his grandmother, burst onto the grounds of a local school, and shot 19 children and two teachers. He was finally felled by a Border Patrol agent responding to the mass shooting.

When a collection of Texas elected officials and law enforcement held a news conference in this town filled with numb and grieving people, it hardly seemed the time for a candidate for office to try to score political points. But here came Beto O’Rourke. Channeling Antifa, O’Rourke brought a small collection of screeching supporters to crash the serious event with his decidedly childish antics. The calendar says Beto is an adult. He acted like anything else but an adult with his outrageous hijinx in front of cameras.

Beto thought he’d look like a hero. He came off like a goat. And not the good kind.

The mayor of Uvalde ordered O’Rourke out of the building, calling the man-child a “sick son of a b***h.” Texas cops escorted the disgusting Democrat out.

Beto O’Rourke is a confused man. When he ran for Senate four years ago, he promised to take away everyone’s AR-15 rifles, and as a candidate for governor this time against Greg Abbott, he’s been acting as if he’s a card-carrying member of the NRA. Now, after the horrible shooting, he wants Abbott to cancel the NRA convention in Texas.

Newsflash: that broken 18-year-old, who promised to shoot up a school, cut himself in acts of self-harm, spoke with a lisp that was mocked, and wore makeup, is not an NRA member, nor does he care about gun laws, mores, and morals. He needed help, wrote about it on social media, and didn’t get any.

O’Rourke knew all of that when he crashed the news conference as Sen. Ted Cruz, Gov. Greg Abbott, and others watched in stunned disgust.

Commentator Matt Walsh spoke for many when he called O’Rourke’s prank “soulless.”

“Sir, you’re out of line!” scolded the mayor, who had the presence of mind to tell the man-child candidate for governor that some people still have a little respect for the dead.

Abbott issued a statement in response to O’Rourke’s stunt:

Source: PJ Media

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