Two men arrested for planning an attack on a July 4 celebration in Virginia were not just in the country illegally, but one of them is also a suspected Mexican drug cartel member and the other is his roommate. So it seems that this whole open borders thing is working out “great” for law-abiding Americans.

A tipster told police that the two men planned a mass casualty event at the Richmond, Va., Dogwood Dell Amphitheater during the annual fireworks show.

“It was a very serious threat. Any threat against life and certainly that of a mass shooting is gravely serious,” police spokesperson Tracy Walker told WSET. “The suspect clearly announced a plan to carry this out and clearly had the means to do so based on the weapons and several hundred rounds of ammunition that was seized,” Walker told the station.

The “concerned citizen” tipster told Richmond Police that Rolman “Chapin” Balcarcel Ac, 38, had ties to the Los Zetas drug cartel in Mexico. The Zetas are notorious for being among the most violent of the drug cartels, using beheadings, torture, and wanton violence to freeze law enforcement from moving against them.

Police saw two Glock pistols “in plain view in the living room” when they went to Ac’s home. Other guns and “several hundred rounds of ammunition” were found after authorities thoroughly searched the home. Ac’s roommate, Julio Alvarado-Dubon, 52, was also arrested. According to police, Alvarado-Dubon has been in the U.S. illegally for three years. His visa expired four years ago, so the feds are doing a bang-up job of keeping an eye on would-be terrorists.

In addition to the guns and ammo, authorities say they found multiple IDs for Ac, including two driver’s licenses from Colorado, and IDs from Guatemala and Mexico. The duo so far face charges of possession of a firearm by a non-U.S. citizen.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the organization created after 9/11 to stop terror plots, illegal entry, multiple fake IDs per person, and expired visas, is hot on the case. Joe Biden’s DHS chief, the open-borders-loving Alejandro Mayorkas, has actually allowed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to issue detainers on the two suspects. So the Biden Administration will take custody of the would-be terrorists, which means that they could be out in no time.

The Biden Administration and Mayorkas have opened the U.S. borders, letting in all comers during the height of the pandemic when Americans were under mask mandates, vaccine requirements, and job-loss edicts.

As for the Zetas, they have fought for prominence with other cartels to replace the vacuum left by the capture of El Chapo, of the Sinaloa Cartel. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has also battled for dominance and runs part of the towns on the Mexican side of the U.S.-Mexico border. CJNG has operations all along the West Coast of the U.S. as well.

The Mexican side of the border with the U.S. is a lawless hellscape run primarily by cartels. Currently, there is a battle between CJNG and the old Sinaloa Cartel for dominance. Cartels make hundreds of billions of dollars per year in the drug and human slave trade.

In June, a disgruntled and likely drugged-up Sinaloa cartel boss ordered the killings of two priests at the altar of their church. The Wall Street Journal tells the rest of the story.

After meeting the three Jesuits near the church’s altar, Mr. Portillo, without saying a word, shot Father Mora four times. The priest fell dead on the church floor. Mr. Portillo then shot and killed Father Campos, Fr. Ávila said.

The third Jesuit, Fr. Reyes, braced to meet his death, according to Fr. Ávila. Instead, Mr. Portillo knelt on the church floor and asked Fr. Reyes to hear his confession.

“The criminal, bewildered, begged to be pardoned,” Fr. Ávila said.

Cartels have killed more than 400,000 Mexicans, and 85,000 people have been “disappeared” by cartels, according to the Journal.

If we keep up our current lawless border policies, it could happen here.

Buy guns and ammo. You’ll need to protect yourself.

Source: PJ Media

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