It pays to have friends in high places.

And if you’re Quintez Brown, the black activist accused of trying to assassinate a white Democratic candidate for mayor in Louisville, it helps that those friends have deep pockets too.

Brown took several shots at Louisville Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg on Tuesday and was arrested a short time afterward. His bail was set at $100,000. In retrospect, it wasn’t enough.

Brown was bailed out by the local Black Lives Matter chapter and the radical left Louisville Community Bail Fund. The Bail Fund was founded by local BLM activist and chapter President Chanelle Helm.


BLM Louisville organizer and co-founder of the Louisville Community Bail Fund Chanelle Helm said the organization wanted to keep Brown somewhere safe as he awaits trial, especially after the recent string of deaths at Louisville Metro Department of Corrections.

“They are calling for this individual, this young man who needs support and help, to be punished to the full extent,” Helm said. “It is a resounding message that people are down for the torture that has taken place in our jails and prisons.”

Brown will be on a 24-hour ankle monitor and will be under the usual restrictions on his movements. But his release elicited outrage among Louisville residents, including Sen. Mitch McConnell, (R-Ky.) who took to the floor of the United States Senate to register his disgust.

Since 2020, a long list of prominent corporations have donated or pledged enormous amounts of money to the radical nationwide BLM parent organization.

“One wonders if any of their corporate money helped spring this would-be assassin from jail.

“Now, I’m confident that if an activist claiming to be conservative tried to assassinate a politician, whatever his mental state, the media would open a 24-7 ‘national conversation’ about rhetoric on the right.

“Somehow I doubt attempted murder by a BLM activist will get that treatment.

“I doubt we’ll have a ‘national conversation’ about the constant chorus of powerful voices calling our society evil.

It appears that Brown will try a new “Twinkie Defense” if his BLM advocate has anything to say about it.

Helm also said she wanted to have a plan in place so Brown will have access to the mental health resources he needs when he gets out. She said activists and organizers like Brown likely have PTSD after the past couple of years of social unrest and the coronavirus pandemic.

“In this case, we’re dealing with someone that has mental health issues,” Helm said.

Brown will get a good lawyer who will see to it that the black community is properly outraged by his treatment at the hands of white authorities and totally sympathetic. After all, he missed, didn’t he?

Source: PJ Media

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