Teen Vogue has updated its advice for teenage girls on how to get an abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, and it’s telling girls how to “navigate” the new abortion reality where the procedure is banned.

The original advice column for girls wanting an abortion appeared in 2019. In the updated version, Lauren Rankin tries to be helpful to girls wanting to evade the law.

“While Roe v. Wade has been overturned and some states have banned abortion, abortion is still legal in most states, Rankin wrote. [emphasis in original] “It is legal for minors to seek information about abortion care, and it is legal for you to travel to another state to have an abortion. Some states may criminalize providing abortion, but having an abortion does not inherently make you a criminal. This article can help you navigate how to get an abortion as a minor in a post-Roe world.”

Fox News:

Similar to the previous version from Teen Vogue, Rankin highlighted ways to receive abortions that do “not require parental consent or notification.”

“If you aren’t comfortable telling a parent about your decision to have an abortion, you can seek what’s called a ‘judicial bypass’ in one of the many states that has this system. Judicial bypass allows you to go directly before a judge and get approval from that judge to have an abortion, rather than having consent from your parents. Yes, it’s paternalistic and unfair that you literally have to get permission from someone else to choose what to do with your body, but it is an option for legal abortion,” Rankin wrote.

She also indicated which states do not require parental consent or for a minor to notify their parents.

I never understood the logic that says a girl needs parental consent for a tonsillectomy but not for an abortion. This is especially true as we’re constantly being told by the pro-abortion lobby that abortion is “just a medical procedure.”

Creating a “human right” out of a “medical procedure” is certainly a novel approach to medicine and medical care.

There are circumstances where a girl would be in danger by requiring parental consent for an abortion — especially if the father raped the daughter or a relative who lives with the girl is the father. But all parental consent laws have exceptions. It’s a shame Teen Vogue didn’t see fit to mention that. Nor do they mention counseling centers not affiliated with an abortion provider that would present all alternatives to the young girl.

In any case, the logic and relevance of parental consent when it comes to a daughter undergoing any medical procedure is self-evident. Only fanatics who care more about their cause than the young girl in trouble think otherwise.

Source: PJ Media

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