Doomsday prophets warning that “the end is near” used to be rare and fringy; now they’re cutting-edge climate activists. On Friday, during the third set at the French Open tennis tournament as Norway’s Casper Ruud led Croatia’s Marin Cilic 4-1, the match was interrupted for fifteen minutes. Just as Ruud was about to serve, he instead watched incredulously as a “climate activist,” that is, a brainwashed lunatic, ran onto the court and tied herself by the neck to the net, to save the planet or something.

This comes just days after another “climate activist” at the Louvre in Paris jumped up from a wheelchair in front of shocked crowds and tried to smash the bulletproof glass protecting Leonardo da Vinci’s renowned Mona Lisa, finally settling for smearing the glass with cake. With all this hardcore climate activism going on, how can the planet avoid being saved?

At the French Open, the protester, a young woman (not that I’m a biologist) who looked to be in her twenties sat stone-faced at the net until security personnel cut her loose. While the hysteria was in full swing, the tennis players returned to their dressing rooms, where there were no “climate activists” around to do insane things.

The woman was wearing a white t-shirt on which was handwritten in English, “We have 1028 days left.” As this happened on Friday, June 3, that would mean that the death of the world from global warming is set for Thursday, March 27, 2025, and I don’t mind telling you, I feel gypped. After all, it was in January 2019 that millennial sage Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Ditzville) told us that the world would end in twelve years, which would give us a good eight and a half more years. But it’s less than three years until March 2025; how did our time get cut?

It appears that “the science” is growing shriller and more apocalyptic. The Washington Post reported on May 20 that “in April, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said emissions must peak by 2025 to avoid catastrophic consequences.” But the West isn’t destroying itself economically and handing over global economic hegemony to China fast enough, and so “now this inaction is driving some scientists to engage in civil disobedience, while others are striking against the IPCC, calling for a halt of further reports until governments mobilize. It’s a dire situation that’s taking a toll on the mental health of scientists, and raising the question of what climate advocacy scientists should engage in as politicians imperil the planet.”

When even The Washington Post admits that all this hysteria is driving scientists crazy, it’s no wonder that a young woman full of the terror of impending doom would decide to disrupt the French Open. After all, how can all these people sit around casually watching tennis when the sky is falling? The entire climate hysteria is driven by the reckless propagation of pseudoscientific fantasies and fallacies, but “activists” such as the young woman at the French Open no doubt dismiss those who would try to talk her out of her insanity as “right-wing nutjobs” who refuse to admit just how dire the situation is. The big beachfront houses owned by Barack Obama and Old Joe Biden, among others, trouble the “climate activists” not at all; they know their heroes will have the sense to move inland ahead of the inevitable flood waters.

The French Tennis Federation said laconically, “The young woman, of French nationality, entered the grounds with a valid ticket early in the day. The security team needed to formally identify the objects she used to get onto the court before they could remove her.” She was, said the Federation, eventually “handed over to the police.” For his part, Casper Ruud added, “I didn’t really know how to react to it, and…I didn’t know if she was holding anything. I didn’t get to see too much. So it was a little bit (of a) tricky and difficult situation. Never happened to me before.”

But it likely will again, if not to Casper Ruud, then to someone else — maybe Mona Lisa. After all, we have only 1,028 days left — make that 1,027 now — and look how many internal combustion engines there are still destroying the planet! The time to return to the stone age is drawing so perilously short. And so is the time to save an entire generation from this hysterical and groundless climate lunacy.

Source: PJ Media

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