More than $1 million in Freedom Convoy donations was put on ice on Saturday by Toronto-Dominion Bank.

About 1.4 million in Canadian dollars was deposited in two personal accounts, mostly through GoFundMe, according to Reuters. As you’ll recall, GoFundMe had previously frozen Freedom Convoy donations before finally returning the money. The left-wing donation hub had even tried to get away with distributing the money to other groups.

Toronto-Dominion went to court on Friday to get permission to seize the money and their wish was quickly granted by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. TD told the court they were trying to either get the money to the proper recipients or return it to those “who have requested refunds but whose entitlement to a refund cannot be determined by TD.”

Also according to Reuters, Canada’s anti-money laundering agency told Parliament last week that it has “not seen a spike in suspicious transaction reporting from the banks in recent weeks.”

So there’s no indication that the funds are somehow tainted. Although if you asked the Freedom Convoy truckers, they might tell you there t’aint enough of it.

From what little has been revealed, it isn’t clear why TD believes the money wasn’t properly deposited.

Keith Wilson, a lawyer representing the Freedom Convoy, called TD’s actions “improper and disappointing.”

After GoFundMe shut down the Freedom Convoy fundraiser — they really ought to change their name to GoFundOurApprovedCauses — donors instead turned to GiveSendGo. However, the same Ontario court on Thursday of last week ordered that company to also freeze convoy donations.

This was GiveSendGo’s very public response:

The Christian-based company also wants people to know that “The funds from the Freedom Convoy are not frozen,” no matter what “you might be hearing on the news.”

They also claim to be “working with many different campaign organizers to find the most effective legal ways to continue funds flowing.”

That’s a tall order, given that the Canadian courts and banks are apparently working together to close off channels that are perfectly legal for anyone who hasn’t sent scaredy-cat Canadian PM Justin Trudeau scurrying away to his safe space.

What’s it called when Big Government and Big Business work together to squash freedom?

Oh, right: Fascism.

A similar Freedom Convoy is being organized right now in the United States, according to a Guardian report on Monday.

The effort to launch an American “freedom convoy”, inspired by the Canadian truckers who have shut down parts of Ottawa for several weeks initially to protest vaccine mandates, is taking shape in a somewhat haphazard fashion.

At least three national organizations, and a constellation of regional ones, say they will depart for Washington in early March.

One proposed convoy aims to leave from Fresno in California on 2 March, taking the I-10 interstate straight to the capital, where it would arrive on 6 March.

It will be interesting, at the very least, to see what obstacles are put up by the Biden Administration and any Blue States along the convoy’s path.

All I can suggest is: Bring cash.

And lots of it.

Source: PJ Media

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