The lead investigator in the House of Representatives committee on the Trump Russia hoax says he knows why the FBI raided former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, and it didn’t have anything to do with scary-sounding “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons,” as the DOJ got The Washington Post to spread on its behalf.

Kash Patel believes something more is afoot than a beef between Trump, the General Services Administration (GSA), and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

The former federal national security prosecutor and Trump Administration Chief of Staff for the Department of Defense believes the FBI raided Trump’s resort to seek and destroy any documents related to the Trump-Russia hoax — Russiagate — that Trump had previously declassified back in 2020 and 2021.

The former federal prosecutor told Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum that Donald Trump issued “sweeping declassification orders” in 2020 and 2021, including the Russiagate and Hillary Clinton email investigation documents.

When that is added to the comments by the Director for National Intelligence (DNI) in the Trump Administration, John Ratcliffe, you begin to wonder what’s really at play here.

Ratcliffe told Fox Business anchor Larry Kudlow, another former Trump official, that “surely this is not about classified documents and the president being in possession of those.” He said, “it has to be more than that because the Department of Justice and the FBI have already set a standard that makes it virtually impossible to prosecute a case like that.”

The Washington Examiner reported that Ratcliffe claimed this was settled back in 2016. “As people talk about Espionage Act and classified documents and all of that, the standard was set in 2016,” with the Hillary Clinton email probe. He said, “the Department of Justice and FBI said six years ago, you gotta be able to prove intent. He’s already denied that he had the intent to do it.”

For his part, Patel says he believes the FBI wants to scrub all of the documents approving the Hillary Clinton election scam about Trump being a Russian secret agent. The FBI, Department of Justice, Perkins Coie law firm, Fusion GPS, and CIA knew the Russiagate narrative was a Hillary Clinton-approved hoax but put their offices in the service of pushing it and “investigating” it to keep Trump out of the White House. Now they’re back to do it again in 2024.

On his Truth Social account, Patel wrote, “DOJ and FBI – and vindictive librarians at NARA – continue to perpetuate the Russia hoax by ‘seizing’ documents that President Trump declassified and the American people need to see. … Bottom line, they never want you to see their corrupt Russia Gate documents and will use any and all power to keep them from the American people.”

Patel told Fox News that the declassified documents haven’t been released to the public. Is it possible that the DOJ believes it is above the president in determining which documents may come out? Because that doesn’t pass the sniff test.

“[Trump] issued a strong statement in October of 2020 declassifying all Russia gate and Hillary email documents and that’s all publicly available,” said Patel. “He declassified whole sets of documents that should have come out.”

Trump said via Twitter, before the Left-wing social media company de-platformed the president, “I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!”

Where are those documents? Who has those documents?

Patel said, “the GSA could have dealt with the department of justice, that would have been my move as a national security prosecutor that prosecuted terrorism cases all the time.” But he said this is an “extreme national security measure” taken for “a wholly unnecessary national security approach.”

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon told Fox News that a June meeting with the FBI resulted in an agreement to put “a padlock on the room and everybody went away.” But “then all of a sudden they come in with this librarian issued SWAT team to take these drastic steps,” she told Tucker Carlson fill-in Tulsi Gabbard.

“This was a massive fishing expedition to see if they could concoct any evidence of anything,” said Dhillon. “That is not how warrants are supposed to work in America and that should outrage every civil libertarian.” Dhillon said, “my mind is blown that this is a justified search of a former president and this is deeply troubling for anyone who cares about civil liberties in our country.”

Patel echoed the sentiment. “The GSA packed and moved all Trump’s papers and documents,” he told Martha MacCallum. “Later, GSA officials said they made a mistake and took back some of the Trump documents. In June, Trump asked NARA if they needed any more of his documents. The next thing he knew dozens of armed FBI agents were raiding his Florida home.”

But something’s missing: Why did the DOJ send the FBI into the middle of a NARA beef?

Judicial Watch and some media outlets are fighting to get a look at the affidavit behind the “overly broad” search warrant. We may get some answers on Monday on whether that sealed document will be made public.

This would answer the question of why Attorney General Merrick Garland signed off on the search. Does it have to do with wanting to hide the embarrassing and unethical actions undertaken by deep state actors?

The FBI has lied to get warrants against Trump World before. Have they done it this time, too?

Source: PJ Media

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