In the immediate aftermath of the mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y. on Saturday, the political left (and several RINOs) rushed to blame conservatives, Fox News, and even Tucker Carlson specifically for radicalizing the shooter.

This, of course, goes against the shooter’s alleged manifesto, in which he describes himself as a former communist who now falls in the “mild-moderate authoritarian left category.”

But that hasn’t stopped the radical left and its allies from playing the “Blame Fox News” and “Blame Tucker Carlson” cards.

And Carlson responded Monday evening on his show.

“You’ve probably heard this document described as a racist manifesto, but that’s not quite right,” Carlson noted. “It’s definitely racist, bitterly so. Gendron reduces people to their skin color. That’s the essence of racism, and it’s immoral. But what he wrote does not add up to a manifesto. It is not a blueprint for a new extremist political movement, much less the potential inspiration for a racist revolution. Anyone who claims that it is is lying or hasn’t read it. Instead, Gendron’s letter is a rambling pastiche of slogans and internet memes, some of which flatly contradict one another.”

“The document is not recognizably left-wing or right-wing. It’s not really political at all. The document is crazy,” Carlson correctly observed. “It’s the product of a diseased and organized mind. At one point Gendron suggests that Fox News is part of some global conspiracy against him. He writes like the mental patient he is. Disjointed. Irrational. Paranoid.”

“But the truth about Payton Gendron does tell you a lot about the ruthlessness and dishonesty of our political leadership,” Carlson contained. “Within minutes of Saturday’s shooting—before all of the bodies of those ten murdered Americans had even been identified by their loved ones—professional Democrats had begun a coordinated campaign to blame those murders on their political opponents. They did it. They said immediately Payton Gendron was the heir to Donald Trump. They told us Trumpism committed mass murder in Buffalo. And for that reason it followed logically, we must suspend the First Amendment.”

“That’s hardly an exaggeration of what they’re saying,” Carlson said before playing a selection of clips of various Democrats doing just what he said they did.

Carlson also specifically criticized Joe Biden. Check out the entire thing.

Source: PJ Media

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