Kyle Rittenhouse has been called a “domestic terrorist” and a “white supremacist” by pretty much everyone on the left, but at least one Democrat is coming to his defense: former congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.

Gabbard, who used to represent Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district in the House of Representatives, not only defended Rittenhouse in an interview with Fox News on Thursday but trashed the political left for their reactions to the judge presiding over the trial.

“We remember very clearly that immediately after this incident, this tragedy occurred with Kyle Rittenhouse, the mainstream media, pro-Antifa politicians were very quick to say this kid is a white supremacist terrorist,” Gabbard said.

“The government absolutely failed to fulfill this most basic responsibility of keeping their community safe,” she continued. “Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn’t have gone and done what he did. But … you know, he’s a foolish kid who, like others in the community felt like they had no other choice but to step up and to try to do their part to keep people safe.”

Gabbard then slammed the left for pitting anyone not on their side as “the enemy.”

“This is, this is the problem here, right? Is that there is no care or interest in evidence, or the facts, or justice. Really, it’s about politics. It’s about hey, are you one of us or are you one of them? Are you on our team? Or are you the quote-unquote, ‘enemy’?” she said. “And as we’ve seen in this example, and others, if you’re not on our team, then you are a racist, you’re a white supremacist, you’re a terrorist. And they levy out these allegations really without care again, for the evidence, facts or the consequences.”

Gabbard also slammed the prosecutor in the case in a video shared on Rumble. “The prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial clearly didn’t do due diligence before making the decision to prosecute,” she said. “This tragedy never would have happened if the government carried out its responsibilities to protect the safety, lives, and property of innocent people.”

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To get exclusives and the latest news on the Rittenhouse trial and other stories, use promo code 2022 this week only for a 40% discount on your new PJ Media VIP subscription. It is the largest discount we have ever offered.

Source: PJ Media

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