Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard posted a video on Twitter in which she wipes the floor with the political elites who have routinely buried information on the threat radical Islamic terror organizations pose to American interests in the Middle East. As we have all seen the last few days and especially yesterday, this is 100 percent correct.

Gabbard starts off by expressing support for the families and friends of the soldiers who died in yesterday’s cowardly attacks at Kabul airport. “Our hearts go out to the families of our brothers and sisters who were killed and wounded in the terrorist attacks in Kabul,” she says.

After that, she goes in for the kill by saying what we all know, but what so few actually say out loud. “Because I’m on active duty, I’m limited to what I can say. But what I can say is this incident should remind the American people that ISIS and al-Qaeda are alive and well, and actively continuing to use terror to try to force the world to accept their demand that we convert to their interpretation of Islam.”

It is sad, but she’s right. We have been told for years that the Taliban, ISIS, and al-Qaeda were “on the ropes.” That was clearly a lie.

Last but not least, Gabbard implies that the threat posed by these organizations has been downplayed for political reasons. “America’s ‘power elite’ have downplayed this threat for many years for various reasons, which I will be talking about more in-depth in the near future,” she says.

This is exactly why I and so many people like me — on the right side of the political spectrum — respect and even admire Tulsi Gabbard. She is one of the very few straight talkers in American politics, yes, even when doing so hurts her own party. That requires courage, which is sadly lacking in politics and even in society at large.

Of course, this also means that I can’t wait for her to share the political reasons those in power lied about ISIS, al-Qaeda et al. Let the truth come out, Tulsi!

Source: PJ Media

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