Propaganda isn’t just for Russians. This is something we should all be aware of at this point, but it seems that half of the country thinks propaganda is only used by other countries. But a real example of American propaganda is emerging as I type. It all started with some posts on 4chan when Russian officials were saying they had information about bioweapons labs in Ukraine that were funded by the United States. 4chan researchers then went and found links on the American embassy’s website that led to several info sheets about those labs, seeming to confirm that there are indeed labs that are researching dangerous viruses in Ukraine with American backing. Those links have since been scrubbed and are now dead, but archives of them still exist. No one wanted to report it because no one was sure it was real.

And then something happened that blew the “there are no labs in Ukraine” narrative to bits. Marco Rubio was questioning Victoria Nuland about bio labs in Ukraine, and she admitted they are there and there’s lots of dangerous stuff in them and no one secured the dangerous stuff before the Russians invaded.

“Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?” asked Rubio. Nuland hesitated and did not say no. Instead, she said, “Ukraine has biological research facilities which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of.”

Jen Psaki, everyone’s favorite circle-back girl at the White House, tweeted out a string of hysterical posts the next day trying to mop up this fiasco. We were told there were no bio labs and now the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs said under oath that’s not true. Here we go with the spin machine. “We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine,” she said, calling it a “conspiracy theory.” She continued hyperventilating, “This is preposterous,” and blamed it on disinformation.

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But to this day, the embassy website still has this on its page.

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases.  The program accomplishes its bio-threat reduction mission through development of a bio-risk management culture; international research partnerships; and partner capacity for enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures. The Biological Threat Reduction Program’s priorities in Ukraine are to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern and to continue to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats.

U.S. officials and the White House are calling Russia’s claim that there are “bioweapons” labs in Ukraine funded by us, “absurd” and “laughable” and “Russian propaganda.”

John Kirby, the Pentagon Press Secretary, completely dismissed the a request posed to him to disclose any type of bio labs in Ukraine that have Pentagon backing. Kirby went so far as to tell the press, “I wouldn’t give it a drop of ink if I were you.” Is it me, or is this guy actually doing a dance to sell this? He looks like he’s shuffling off to Buffalo behind the podium.

It seems to me this is a case of tom-a-to versus tom-ah-to. What Russia is calling “bioweapons,” the U.S. is calling “bio-research,” and do any of us believe there’s a difference? My BS alarm is ringing. First the government says, “there are no labs!” But when called out on their own websites saying otherwise, they send out the troops to define what the labs are: “No, they’re not weapons labs: they’re research labs.”

Can you blame us for wanting to know what our country has been up to in laboratories across the world? We’ve just suffered through a two-year pandemic after a bioweapon virus was released or escaped or mutated (they still haven’t confirmed) near an American-funded coronavirus lab in Wuhan, China. Let’s not forget this gem in Vanity Fair last year that came out after Dr. Fauci vociferously denied any involvement with the lab.

On Wednesday, the NIH sent a letter to members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce that acknowledged two facts. One was that EcoHealth Alliance, a New York City–based nonprofit that partners with far-flung laboratories to research and prevent the outbreak of emerging diseases, did indeed enhance a bat coronavirus to become potentially more infectious to humans, which the NIH letter described as an “unexpected result” of the research it funded that was carried out in partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

It’s clear according to the embassy website quoted above that the U.S. has “research partnerships” in Ukraine working on “bio-security, bio-safety and bio-surveillance,” whatever that means.

Listen to the spin job here. Jennifer Griffin on Fox News admits there are bio-labs in Ukraine that the U.S. is “engaged with” for “converting” the facilities “safely.” This is supposed to make us feel better, but all it did for me is affirm that the labs are unsafe, they contain anthrax, and we have our dirty hands all over them. But Tap Dances with Wolves at the Pentagon said it’s laughable to suggest there’s any connection to bio-labs and the U.S. in Ukraine. Anthrax is a bioweapon, isn’t it? And based on our “0 days without an accident” coronavirus record, does anyone believe the labs are safer in our hands? More importantly, is it unreasonable that Putin would see our scientists screwing around with Anthrax near his border as a serious threat?

Tucker Carlson got the State Department to issue a very carefully worded statement about this debacle. If you ever wanted to see propaganda up close, this is it. They’ve been lying to us for decades and now we are supposed to believe them in the face of the evidence that they are still lying.

The U.S. Department of Defense does not own or operate biological laboratories in Ukraine. Under Secretary Nuland was referring to Ukranian diagnostic and biodefense laboratories during her testimony, which are not biological weapons facilities. These institutions counter biological threats throughout the country.

The propagandists I’m worried about right now are in the White House, the Pentagon, and the corporate U.S. media, not the Kremlin. So far, what the Russians have alleged appears by all accounts to be true! How bad is it that I have more cause to believe Russian officials than our own?

Whether the U.S. calls them “bioresearch labs” or “bioweapons labs” is irrelevant. The labs are there, they contain bioweapons like Anthrax, and I want to know why everyone in our government lied about them and continues to do so even after being caught!

In response to the State Department’s legalese, Carlson said, “That means nothing! You could describe our nuclear stockpile correctly as defensive.” He continued, “When are they going to stop lying and tell us what’s going on here?” Based on the U.S. government’s history with lying that got us into wars, I’m going to bet never.

Source: PJ Media

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