On Monday, we reported that left-wing groups were seeking to pressure Arizona State University from expelling Kyle Rittenhouse, who’d been accepted to the university as an online student.

One group, Students for Socialism at ASU, planned a protest and had a series of demands for the university:

  1. Withdraw Kyle Rittenhouse from ASU
  2. Release a statement against white supremacy and [the] racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse
  3. Reaffirm support for the multicultural center on campus as a safe space from white supremacy
  4. Redirect funding from the ASU [police] to support the multicultural center and establishment of a CAARE center [a rape crisis center] on campus.

“Join us and rally against racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse being permitted on our campus — Wednesday at 3:30 outside the Nelson Fine Arts Center on campus,” the tweet said.

Unfortunately, Campus Reform confirms that Rittenhouse is no longer enrolled in the ASU Online program. According to the university, he is “not currently enrolled in any classes at ASU” and still “has not gone through the ASU admissions process.”

As PJM’s Megan Fox previously expressed, Rittenhouse made a mistake by revealing his acceptance at ASU. He may have been acquitted, but that doesn’t matter to the left. They made it very clear how little they believe in the concept of self-defense. When the media and even the sitting president of the United States falsely brand you a white supremacist, nothing, not even the facts, will change what the leftist sheep believe.

While the circumstances surrounding Rittenhouse’s enrollment at ASU aren’t entirely clear, the planned protests claiming he is a blood-thirsty murderer and a white supremacist have given Rittenhouse and his lawyers new proof of the impact the media’s and Joe Biden’s defamation has made on his life.

Source: PJ Media

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