The spot on a Rehoboth Beach, Del., trail where “President” Joe Biden fell off his bicycle a month ago has become the summer’s hottest tourist destination, even (briefly) earning itself a “historical landmark” designation on Google Maps.

The fun began on June 18 when video of Biden teetering off his bike hit the internet. Here are a couple angles of that sublime moment, in case you need a refresher (or just a quick pick-me-up):

Luckily, the elderly figurehead was spared any noticeable bruising or broken hips. Soon, #bidening became a thing. Social media users began posting pictures of themselves taking the “Biden Challenge,” aka falling off their bikes. The more ambitious among them traveled to the very spot where Trendsetter Joe himself kicked off the craze.

The next step in the evolution came when an enterprising internet troll tagged the hallowed location as a “historic landmark” on Google Maps.

“‘Old Row Viral,’ a content creator that specializes in conservative memes, created the fake historical landmark on Google Maps,” claims noted fact-checker Snopes. “This social media account recently encouraged the trend of ‘Bidening’ — the practice of intentionally falling off a bike at the site, taking a photograph or video of the fall online, and then posting that media online.”

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Naturally, the fun police at Google had removed the historical landmark from their mapping service as of this writing, but not before the location garnered “a 4.9-star rating and more than 200 reviews on Google Maps,” according to the Washington Examiner:

“Very nice place to ride a bike,” Shawn Ruby wrote as a Google Maps review. “Just be careful not to cause too much inflation in your tires or you can end up crashing your whole bike into the ground. But if that happens, just blame Putin. People will ‘fall’ for it!”

Additional reviews of the location on Google Maps did not hold back from taking aim at Biden’s economic woes.

“Biden’s face-plant into the concrete while riding his bike is the perfect analogy for the U.S. economy that he’s been steering into the ground,” Carl O’Donoghue wrote.

Another review wrote: “Road was too bumpy, and reminded me of the problems we still face for two more years.”

Google may have pulled the plug on the historic landmark designation for Brandon Falls, but fun-loving righties will find ways to keep the good times rolling. How long before we can get T-shirts and postcards that say, “Visit scenic Brandon Falls, wish you were here”?

Let’s go Brandon!

Source: PJ Media

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