Joe Biden hobnobbed with the media elite Saturday night at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner—the first time the event has been held since the pandemic — during which Daily Show host Trevor Noah roasted Biden, as is the custom.

“I’ll be honest. If you didn’t come I totally would’ve understood,” Noah told Biden. “Because these people have been so hard on you, which I don’t get. I really don’t. You know, I think ever since you’ve come into office, things are really looking up. Gas is up. Rent is up. Food is up. Everything.”

And Joe Biden laughed.

I get this is supposed to be a lighthearted event between the media and the president, but, I dunno; Joe Biden laughing with the D.C. elite about the struggles that real people are going through just doesn’t sit well with me.

Inflation in March was 8.4% over the last year, the highest overall inflation rate since December 1981. According to Moody’s Analytics, Biden’s inflation is costing the average American household $327 a month, and recent polling shows that inflation and the high cost of living is the number one issue that concerns Americans today.

But, hey, laugh it up at your fancy dinner! Yeah, that’s a good look. I’m so glad our misfortunes make such a great punchline. I’m so glad that Joe Biden finds it hilarious that Americans are struggling. That really instills confidence in me that he takes this issue seriously.

Source: PJ Media

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