Forget the COVID-19 mandate reversals for the moment. We have GREAT news for criminals, dear West Coast, Messed Coast™ readers!

While you were toiling at your job or educating yourself, West Coast, Messed Coast governors were making the world safer for murderers, drug dealers, and layabouts. No, not those criminals you’ve already heard about, new criminals.

In Oregon, Gov. Kate Brown has performed a “historic” task in her last year on the job, The Oregonian breathlessly reports.  The far Left Dem-autocrat has been busy letting out murderers and other criminals from prisons and jails without bothering to tell the families of the victims. This is against Oregon’s crime victim’s bill of rights.

While keeping non-criminal Oregonians locked in her COVID-mandate chains, Brown has released “hundreds of prisoners in response to the pandemic” and granted clemency to 72 inmates, including murderers.

In one example, in 1994, Sterling Cunio kidnapped Bridget Camber and her fiancé at gunpoint. He lined them up in a ditch and executed them. He’s free now.

In 1996, James Anderson drove his former girlfriend Mariah Pelker-Ingram to the grave he’d dug in a wooded area. He stabbed and beat her with the shovel until she died. He’s out now.

Elsewhere on the West Coast, Messed Coast, against the explicit wishes of voters and the new law that they established via initiative in his state, Emperor Hair Gel made tracks to get rid of San Quentin’s death row and put the 737 convicted hair-raising killers into the general population. He said he did so to create a “positive, healing environment” for the murderers.

Gov. Gavin Newsom had a ready and typically disingenuous answer for his understandable critics: It’s what the voters really wanted when they voted to affirm the death penalty, he insisted. Emperor Hair Gel lectured, “When [voters] affirmed the death penalty, they also affirmed a responsibility.” And what was that responsibility? “To actually move that population on death row out and to get them working,” he oozed.

Because I am your West Coast, Messed Coast™ scribe, you’ll be very happy to learn that the likes of Scott Peterson, the man who killed his pregnant wife; Polly Klaas’s killer; Richard Benson, who used a claw hammer to murder a woman and all of her children, will all get a fresh start in the new “positive, healing environment.” Freeway serial killer Randy Kraft will finally get out and stretch his legs a bit more. The Trailside killer David Carpenter may get out on the old trails of San Quentin now that one of the most notorious governors in California history dismantled the gas chamber in 2019 and then death row against the expressed wishes of 53% of the voting public in 2016.

Help redeem inmates, by all means — but not by giving voters the big middle finger.

In Washington, hapless Gov. Jay Inslee presides over a treasure chest full of federal COVID money, but he and his Democrats are pushing to raise 14 separate transportation taxes and fees. Democrats are pushing forward a transportation bill that raises license plate fees by 500%, so they’re really watching out for the little guy.

That’s bad, but it’s not the worst thing on the docket. State Senate Democrats rushed through a bill that allows children of any age to give medical consent to any procedure without their parents’ involvement. That includes, but is not limited to, trans surgeries, abortions, or COVID shots.

State Sen. Mike Padden said the “unconscionable” bill was intended to ice out parental involvement in huge decisions for their children. “This bill is really about putting parents on the sideline [and] is so extreme that it apparently has no minimum age limit. Moreover, there is no accountability for the adults who would come between parents and their children, no matter how much damage that interference might cause the child.” The bill also gives blanket immunity to government workers who ruin your kid.

Democrats are going after ammo too. The Democrats in the State Senate voted to ban the “manufacture, distribution, and sale of” magazines larger than ten rounds.

Out of Antifastan, Ore., we learn people are sick and tired of layabouts who have taken over parks, streets, freeway off-ramp areas, and the like. A new poll shows 79% of Portlanders want homeless people off the streets and in shelters or something. You can’t get 79% of Portlanders to agree on what day of the week it is.

The West Coast, Messed Coast governors and elected officials of all ranks — all Democrats — have allowed this slouching toward Gomorrah.

Last week, Oregonians found out that one of the GOP candidates for governor and his wife had once attempted to become part of the “swingers” community.

Even that guy is better than any of the people in office now.

Source: PJ Media

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