The news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine has drowned out the announcements by very (self) important people in the West Coast, Messed Coast™ cartel about masks.

Holding to the fiction that cloth masks have any hope of keeping out the COVID-19 virus, and with apologies to Beyoncé for the headline, the governors of the three West Coast, Messed Coast™ states gravely announced a few weeks back that masks would not be needed starting at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 12 — except for where sick or infirm people are.  It’s science-y science.

In Seattle, teachers’ union members are fighting against easing mask requirements on K-12 students, who have a near-zero risk of dying from COVID, because, and we’re not making this up, masks “have become routine and accepted.” The union continued in a letter to school board members claiming that “universal masking provides an important sense of safety and security,” and removing them would “significantly disrupt that sense of normalcy and educators will struggle to explain to students why we are removing masks so soon.”

As this social worker says, “it doesn’t get any more Orwellian than that.”

Just remember, the schools aren’t run for the kids, they’re operated on behalf of powerful adults. “Who’s got the power? We’ve got the power! What kind of power? Union power!”

Transportation outfits are kowtowing to the people who want other people to be forced to wear masks, even though most masks don’t work for COVID. Portland’s TriMet bus and light rail system will still require masks for another month because … they just can’t quit them.

In West Coast, Messed Coast™ environ-y news we go to the Bay Area, where UC Berkeley’s Leftist neighbors long ago legally sought and won limits to the number of students allowed at the sought-after school due to environmental concerns.

The Los Angeles Times reports that “California legislators are fast-tracking a rescue effort to help UC Berkeley avoid slashing its in-person fall class by more than 2,600 students to meet a court-ordered enrollment freeze …” I added the emphasis because everything the Left does is “saving” or “rescuing” something (see pet adoption).

Indeed, such is the emergent nature of this admissions rescue effort that lawmakers have made it retroactive. San Francisco Assemblyman Phil Ting (D-Duh) says students try really, really, really hard to get into this UC school and it’s “our responsibility to try to” fix it for them, environment be damned.

Speaking of emergency, KTLA reporter Gene Kang was doing a live shot about a dangerous stretch of road (lined with “homeless” RVs) and urging help in finding the perpetrator of a hit and run. In the few minutes of time that it took him to do the story, another crime of some sort had occurred behind him, and then, well, this happened.

Feel safe yet?

Finally, my observant nephew points out this story as one of the latest ones he’s seen about Americans fleeing with their Ukrainian mail order brides. “Is it just me?” asked my adult nephew, “or is the local news showing a lot of “feel good” stories about older white males bringing Ukrainian women as their wives to the U.S.?” He continued, “I mean I’m all for getting people to safety, but umm, are we not gonna mention the clear as day undertone that these are mail order brides?!?”

Consider it done, kid.

And pray for all of Ukraine. Our friends in Kyiv and Mariupol could probably use more ammo too.

Until the next West Coast, Messed Coast™.

Source: PJ Media

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