Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast™ update, which finds California busy smothering babies and free speech in the crib.

In their haste to fulfill Governor Gavin Newsom’s edict to make California a “sanctuary” for American women seeking abortions in case Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court, Democrats have issued a bill that expands what abortion is. Indeed, one of these bills, AB-2223, allows not only late-term abortions, but post-birth abortions–which is to say, infanticide.

Oakland Democrat Assemblymember Buffy Wicks’ bill removes all civil and criminal penalties for actions of “birthing persons” against their baby, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death…”

We know the ghouls want to kill babies in utero, but “perinatal”?

Actress, model, and lifestyle maven Kathy Ireland knows what it means. “A new iniquitous California bill, AB-2223, will legalize infanticide. Killing babies up to 28 days old! People of all faiths, no faith, every political party, race, gender & sexual orientation are vehemently rejecting this.” She posted a link to take action against the bill.

The California Family Council issued an alert saying the language of the bill allowed for parents to kill their babies up to 28 days after birth. Indeed, the Sacramento Bee reports that “the perinatal period is defined by the California Welfare & Institutions Code as being “the period from the establishment of pregnancy to one month following delivery.”

And then, inexplicably, the Bee’s “fact checkers” said the claim about baby murder was “false.”

What’s the story here? We got the answer in the next sentenced where the Bee reported that “in response to those [post birth murder] concerns, Assemblywoman Wicks agreed to amend the bill to specify that it only applies to perinatal deaths stemming from pregnancy-related causes.” Whatever that means.

Sharp-eyed writer Jeryl Bier saw the fact check for what it was: fake. He said on Twitter, “Fact Check: Do California lawmakers want to decriminalize infanticide?”

Fact check finds this false.

BUT… “In response to those concerns, Assemblywoman Wicks agreed to amend the bill…”

So in other words, it DID originally do this.

In addition to smothering the babies in the crib, California Democrats have two bills they’re wending through their super majority legislature that punish free speech by doctors whose opinions differ from the regime as well as people whose speech on social media goes against Leftist beliefs. Check back for my stories on these items nearby on PJ Media.

Elsewhere, a former California state senator, Democrat Gloria Romero, whose district was in east L.A., is lamenting the disappearance of classical Democrats. Romero had this to say to Fox News (?!) about the party’s total embrace of socialism: “¡Ya Basta! Enough is enough.”

“The Democratic Party no longer holds the values we held as the party of JFK, the party of even President Obama. Today’s Democratic Party is woke-ism run amok!”

We guess that 51% Latino approval rating for Joe Biden in California may have something to do with Romero’s desperate plea. Can’t imagine why.

In another West Coast, Messed Coast™ state, Republican Bridget Barton is the one to vote for in the Oregon governor general election race, but, on the other side, the unfortunately named Tina Kotek has all the money, power, and staff for her Democrat run. She’s trying to make her candidacy look even bigger than it is.

But some days even campaign photographers can’t paper over disaster.

And in Everett and Lynnwood, Washington, you can expect the cost of phone services to increase. Verizon employees have voted to unionize in those cities north of Seattle. The first ones to do so since New York employees voted themselves a raise, an increase in benefits, and, likely, reduced job prospects.

And in my West Coast, Messed Coast neighborhood, the cost of 3/4 tank for the cheap-o gas at the local cheap gas station remains the highest it’s ever been. Damn that Joe Biden Vladimir Putin.

Until the next West Coast, Messed Coast™ report.

Source: PJ Media

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