Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast™, where the gas is $6.00/gallon and where suggestions by comedians trolling city council meetings are more serious than those from the elevated “leaders.”

We begin with a story about homelessness that came to light during a TV news live shot in downtown Antifastan years ago, which I believe lays the foundation for how effective the city’s efforts are at curbing homelessness.

It was an especially cold winter day on skid row, and people seeking shelter at the mission were interviewed by a reporter from the local NBC affiliate who was hoping to put a human face on yet the latest example of subzero global warming (it wasn’t a 12 9 Year Climate Catastrophe!!! then).

The reporter approached a man and woman, who looked to be in their forties, and asked the couple what they were doing in Portland on such a cold night. We learned that this pair had just arrived from Houston, TX — an entirely different state altogether — where the impoverished homeless duo read on their laptops at their apartment that Portland had just implemented a Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, and they hoped to “get a house.”

Even then, average Texans had taken the true measure of dumb Portland leaders.

Fast forward to this week, when Portland’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness is about to get lapped again. And as you know, things are worse than ever. I bring to you another photo, from a concerned citizen, of the park I used to play in as a kid (see last week’s update).

And here’s where I must confess to you, dear West Coast, Messed Coast™ readers, that I’ve been reporting to you that Portland’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness program-to-end-all-homelessness-programs was in year 15. But, what ho! My cadre of researchers on Duck Duck Go informs me that, in fact, we are in year 18 of Portland’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness.

This week, Antifastan Mayor Ted Wheeler announced he’s rearranging the deck chairs on the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness and naming one person in charge to blame. Apparently, the building erected and named for a former Portland mayor (who appeared on the “Expose Yourself to Art” poster of yesteryear), and which boasted parking for stolen shopping carts, isn’t big enough for all the newcomers.

The current mayor, who was bullied out of his own home, first by an ex-wife and then by Antifa, told taxpayer radio OPB that “we’re going to attack homelessness with the urgency it deserves!” The message was met with a collective yawn from many who have forsworn visits to Portland because the “homeless” are really drug-addled people carrying shivs and pepper spray and dragging a pit bull with a spike strip for a collar.

Nevertheless, Wheeler said his “vision zero” (the plan to end cars) czar said that too many drugged-up homeless people were being run over. Like a man who’d just discovered that water is wet, Ted lectured, “I do not think it is humane in any way shape or form to say, ‘yeah, it’s OK that somebody camps in the middle of an intersection’ or says, ‘yeah, it’s ok if somebody lives in their own filth on the streets.’” He declared, “That is not a humane approach.”

One of the proposed plans is to call in the Oregon National Guard to oversee three 1,000-person shelters that will swiftly bring drug-addled tent dwellers from the outside to the inside. While the plan is not receiving raves, West Coast, Messed Coast™ is heartened that Ted Wheeler at least knows of the existence of a National Guard and that it can be used to remove some kinds of riff-raff from the streets.

At least he hasn’t proposed $837,000-per-homeless-guy condos, as L.A. has. Progress.

Speaking of California,  we bring to you the news that the market for looting has really picked up.

On that very same day, as I tried to make my legs work well enough to crawl away from the gym, a woman regaled those gathered with news that a man who’d been caught breaking into cars was actually seated in the back seat of a police cruiser.

All were pleasantly surprised he was caught — until police told her that the man, who had been nabbed with a stolen shopping cart full of other peoples’ stuff, probably wouldn’t be prosecuted.

Old: Crime Doesn’t Pay. New: Crime Doesn’t Pay Until it Does.

That’s it for this week, West Coast, Messed Coasters!

Source: PJ Media

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